11- Awkward

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writers block is absolute shit but thank you all for 5K I love you

Chapter 11

The following week turned out to be quite...awkward. To be honest, even awkward was putting it very lightly because it was so much more than awkward.

Obviously, neither Harry nor Louis remembered the kiss when they woke up the next morning with painful hangovers and bags darker than Louis' soul under their eyes. However, that didn't mean there weren't any signs of last night's snogging session all over their bodies. There were a few faint love bites on Harry's skin and Louis' hair was all over the place.

The idea of kissing each other last night didn't really cross their minds though. They were too busy trying to wrap their minds around the fact that Louis basically chased Harry all over the streets of Berlin just to apologize to him, which was really the only thing they remembered.

Confusion was coursing through Louis' brain. What had he been thinking? He felt ashamed all of a sudden of his desperate actions. Although, he had to admit apologizing was actually kind of relieving. It was as if a burden had been lifted off his shoulders. It was a nice feeling that Louis would just bask in for now. He was still going to yell at himself for looking pathetic, but that's just going to have to wait till later.

Harry, on the other hand, was even more confused, which was nearly impossible. He didn't know whether to feel shocked, angry, or flattered? Because that's exactly what he felt. Flattered. Louis had actually come running after him to apologize. Something like that had never happened before. Harry couldn't help but to smile.

But living in a very cruel world, all that came crashing down the minute Louis and Harry walked into their interview Thursday afternoon.

Harry woke up that day grumpy. He was already feeling off and he could just tell that something bad was going to happen. It was raining, more like pouring, outside, and really, it was going to be a shit day.

He rolled into the interview at two in the afternoon precisely, driving his rental car through the terrible weather, having to literally squint just to look past the rain droplets falling down at a fast rate.

When he got there, he tried running into the interview without getting wet in the rain. Much to his dismay, that didn't happen. Harry walked into the interview drenched from head to toe, his hair turning straight due to the moisture. He expected things to go fine, maybe change into some dry clothes, but what he didn't expect was Louis to be sitting in the dressing room when Harry got there. Although, he didn't expect Louis to laugh, fucking l a u g h when Harry walked in, even more.

Pissed was an understatement because what was Louis even doing in Harry's dressing room? Well, yeah, it wasn't necessarily his but it might as well have been. That was Harry's territory.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Harry snapped at the boy sitting on the couch. Louis' eyes widened, clearly not expecting the words coming out of Harry's mouth. However, the shocked expression left just as soon as it came, a smirk now evident on his face.

"Sitting," Louis said calm and collectively, "as you can see."

Harry rolled his eyes before walking over to the clothes rack and getting dry clothes to wear. He stripped right there, as if Louis wasn't in the same room as him; as if Louis wasn't ogling his ass and back since Louis was obviously not gay.

Louis looked away quickly, thinking 'what the fuck am I doing? I did not just look at his bum.' Because clearly, Louis wasn't looking at Harry's bum. He was looking at the interesting white wall behind it. Once again, not Harry's ass.

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