"Is this my fresh start I truly need? Is it my way to get my life back on track, I really hope so" Amber Connor
Amber Connor, you may not have heard about her before, why should you have, she's the only daughter of Carla Connor. Ambers dad is someo...
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Nicknames: Ams - only her friends are allowed to call her Ams, she finds it really weird
SnowFairy - only Carla calls Amber this because she was born on Christmas Day and it was snowing when Amber was born.
Amburger - Amy calls her this for reasons none knows.
AJ - By Sophie because for the first week of her life her middle name was Joy which Kevin gave her, Carla on the other hand wanted full control of her daughters name so on her birth certificate her name is Amber Maria
Joy- only Kevin calls her Joy and is the only person allowed to call her Joy.
Age: 15 Years Old
Mum: Carla Connor
Dad: Kevin Webster
Sister: Sophie Webster
Sister: Rosie Webster
Brother: Jack Webster
Uncle: Aidan Connor
Aunt: Kate Connor
Grandfather: Johnny Connor
Godfather: Roy Cropper
Godmother: Michelle Connor
Likes: Rowing- she's on the rowing team at school and she even rows on the lake
Cheerleading- she has been cheerleading since she was a child, she also dances where she's won medals and made friends
Movie nights with Carla- once a month Amber and Carla have movie nights, they eat junk food and joke about