Missing Pieces

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Click, click, click. Her fingers restlessly tapped the page up button on the T.V. remote. It was about thirty minutes before her mother came home and about an hour before her father showed up so she needed to pass the time somehow. She shifted on the couch tucking her feet under her as she glared at the T.V. Click, click. She had already ran through all the channels on the T.V. now she was pressing the button out of boredom. A heavy sigh left her lips, finally she got up and stretched. 

She glanced around the house while scratching her head. The house was dull, a little bit messy with dishes here and there along with random small pieces of trash riddling the tables. A small laundry basket sit outside the laundry room. Dust gathered around the spots in the house that were rarely used such as the book shelf or pool table. although she didn't quite like her house, it was definitely home. Where she felt most comfortable and free. Deciding she would make some food she trudged to the kitchen.

Swinging the cupboards open they were almost empty. She smiled and mumbled to herself. "Do I want mac n' cheese, mac n' cheese, or," the or was carried on for a moment as she repeated mac and cheese again with a small laugh. Her slightly low and rusted voice grumbled out of her. It was still feminine but it had a strong and tired esque to it. Her pale blue eyes skimmed the other cupboards and shelves along with the fridge. "Mac n' cheese it is then." She huffed and grabbed a pot from the hanging rack. 

As she boiled the noodles her mother barged in with some groceries. "Luthic!" She yelled and Luthic giggled her long hair falling forward dangerously close to the water as her mother realized how close she was. "Oh! I'm sorry honey I thought you were in your room. Her mom giggled." She stomped over to the kitchen being weighed down by plastic bags and dropped them on the tile floor. "It's fine mom, how was work?" 

They looked dangerously alike. Long brown hair with a tint of red. Although her mother had bright blue eyes and Luthic had faded ones they still resembled each other in shape. Luthic was about two or so inches taller than her mother standing around 5'5". She had a light tan, freckled skin and skinny features. Her mother the same but with a more of a tan. 

"Oh it was good honey. How was your day today?" She huffed out as she began to put the groceries away. 

"Oh oh boring as always mommo." She giggled at the goofy names she called her mother. They ranged from momosaurus to mother dear. All of them seemed to make her mother happy so she continued the shenanigans for years to come. "It's almost done would you want some?" She gestured toward the noodles and her mother shook her head. 

"No no I'm fine go ahead and save some for your father though." She finished the groceries and walked out of the kitchen. "I've got some after work to do," Her mother called out with a big exaggerated sigh and laugh. "I'll hang out when I'm done alright girlie?" 

"Alrighty mom." She laughed and strained the noodles. The water hit her hand and she mumbled curses as she wrapped her finger in the fabric of her hoodie. After she was done pitying herself she finished the mac and cheese. Taking a plate she set an extra plate on top of the pot and headed back to the living room awaiting her fathers arrival.

Hours had passed before her father came home. Luthic was in her room asleep and her mother sat awake in her room. Patiently waiting for him to arrive home. She heard to front door creak open and got up. Wrapping herself in her robe. "Charles?" She whispered. "Hey honey." He called back with a guilty tone. "How are you Lisa?" he called.

"It is eleven at night where the fuck were you?" She spat in a murmur, "You said you'd be home by nine it is eleven at night!" Her voice slowly rose as she repeated herself. It was something she did a lot when she got angry, usually repeating the point of the argument.

"I'm sorry honey the boys kept me out. You know I'm trying to quit but they need me." Her apologetically said loud enough to wake Luthic. She lay in bed here eyes fluttered open. Numerous times she had heard them argue about the same thing but they never told her. Through the 18 years she's lived with them, they never mentioned her dads work. She admittedly thought her dad was cheating on his mom but that was not the case.

As her parents went in their room and shut the door their argument turned into angry muffles and Luthic sighed. 

"You, could, have, gotten, killed!" Lisa said with an emphasis on every word. "I don't care how much they need you! You promised me you would quit!" 

"Look they threatened me." He sighed. "If I continue to try they will hurt you. What's that saying, once your in the only way out is death or prison?" He looked up at Lisa. Pain and sadness spread across his face as she glared at him with the utmost hatred. He was in a gang. Although he wasn't a top dog he still held a high rank in the business of the group. They needed him and every time he tried to take a hint at leaving they would threaten him. He was going to be happy when the leaders' son took over, he was a much nicer lad.

"I don't care." She mumbled as her eyes filled with tears. Charles gently wiped them away as they fell and he kissed her forehead. "I wan't you safe." She sobbed as she started to hyperventilate. Her arms wrapped around him tightly and he held her. 

"Nothing's gonna happen honey."


And that's when the world fell apart. A few weeks later Lisa was found behind a convenient store. She had been shot, of course not at the crime scene. That morning Luthic woke up and filled out her morning duties nothing seemed off to her. Until her dad barged in. He was cursing and freaking out. "Are you okay!" He yelled to her. 

After his attempt to leave again they had killed Lisa as a warning. His eyes had a slight hint of tears but were filled with fear. "Yea. Why dad?" She said in confusion that soon turned into worry. He gasped and grabbed his hair. "I'm sorry I'm so so sorry Luthic I didn't mean for it to be like this I-" Luthic was confused and filled with worry when she went over and hugged her dad cutting him off. At this point his face was covered in big sopping tears. "Hey hey dad, calm down what happened?" He hugged her tight and took in a few deep breaths.

"Your mom," he gasped about to fall apart again. "She was killed." Luthic shoved herself away from him with a horrified expression on his face. "What?" She said in an exasperated voice. Her frail hands trembling while her face grew a slight pink as sadness filled up inside her. Soon her eyes turned pink and she was sobbing with him before the cops came.

Three loud thuds rang throughout the living room. Charles let go of his baby girl and slumped toward the door. "Hello officers." He said his voice tired and weak. "May we talk with the two of you?" The officer said in a sympathetic tone. Since Charles was already cleared as a suspect he came straight home to check on his child. "Yes sir." And the cop stepped in.

Charles gestured the cop to sit down on the recliner as he sat down next to Luthic again. "Hello I'm officer Gonzolas, I wanted to ask you two a few questions concerning the murders, is that alright?" He gazed over at Luthic who still had a horrified expression on her face. She shifted to lean against her dad again and let out a chain of huffs as she tried to control her breathing. Her arms wrapped around herself as her dad wrapped one of his arms around his shoulder. Which to her now seemed like an allusion of protection. "S-sure." She hesitated.


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