I didn’t ask them and I don’t make any money off this story it is just for the entertainment of getting to write it and for the readers. I don’t own the original characters of the WWE. This story if pure fiction and Yaoi or slash, which is BoyxBoy, so if you hate that then don’t read this. There will also be hetero couples in this story.
Thanks for once again being patient with me and thanks for all the lovely reviews anyways on with the chapter!
Please go to my Codiase Community and post your Codiase stories for me! : ) Codiase Community! :) I don’t really know how to do the Community thing so if anyone would like to be part of my staff and/or have any tips lets me know!
“Codes” Chapter 11
The next morning., Thursday, I woke up to find a text from Ted making me smile. It said, Hey Codes, sorry I didn’t tell you goodnight last night I got in till late and figured you was asleep.
I smiled again and replied back with, Its fine Teddy. After I sent the message I laid my phone down then went to my closet getting out some clothes not needing a shower since I took one the night before.
When I went to my bed to put on my clothes I noticed a text. I’m glad but I wish I would have text you while you where still awake.
Smiling again I replied back, Teddy, its fine I promise, I didn’t expect you to text me while you was out with your friends. The next reply was fast, Yeah but I still should have, you’re more important than they are.
That made my chest and face warm up, I shouldn’t be more important. Its alright promise, I replied back.
He dropped the subject as I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair. Instead he asked if he could take me to school. I told him he could hoping Brett wouldn’t bother me then I told Randy I didn’t need a ride.
I grabbed my stuff and went downstairs. Thankfully no one was home.
I went outside as the sound of Ted’s truck pulled into the drive way. Grinning he got out and opened my door for me, “Thank you.” I said with a smile as I got in.
The drive to school was a comfortable silence with the radio on a country station as a background.
I didn’t notice Brett wasn’t in the care until we got to the school, “Uh, where’s Brett?” I asked hastily.
“He rode with a friend, I didn’t want him to bother you.” Ted smiled at me showing his white teeth and I noticed his southern drawl again and almost told him how hot it was.
I nodded then blushed, “You didn’t have to do that.” the blonde boy smiled and nodded, “I know I didn’t but I wanted to for you.” grinning again he got out and so did I.
We walked to the lunch room together, he seemed to walk a little closer than he normally did. By the time we got in there everyone was sitting at our table and they had left us two seats.
The tension at the table seemed to thicken as we walked up, “What’s going on guys?” I asked and we sat down.
Everyone looked at Justin and Kelly who where still sitting side by side but looked like they had a secret and everyone knew it but Ted and myself. “Uh…well…” Justin started then looked down blushing as he trailed off, “I have to tell you why Kelly and I didn’t work.”
“Okay?” I nodded confused and looked over to Ted who had a confused look on his face also. Everyone was listening intensively to see the reason why they actually broke up.

FanficTed and his friends are bullies at Cody's school. But Cody sees past the bullying breaking all the "Codes" and falls for Ted....gonna start this back up! May take a while but I'm going to get this going again!