1.Meeting The Angel

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*beep beep beep*

"Ughhhh 5 more minutesssss....zzZZzzZzz"

2 minutes later


"Ughh why...WoAaaHHhhh! WHAT THE FUCK?!" I quickly sit up on my bed to the feeling a fucking big amount of water all over my bed not only talking about the part that I was pouring wet. And NO I did not pee in my bed ok! Let me tell you this, would u believe me if I said my mom...yes my mom poured water all over me just to wake me up? No? Well there you have it, she was standing right in front of me with a huge red bucket, which I assume was now empty. What scared me was seeing her devil face right when I opened my eyes, it's like if she was trying to kill my soul with just a glare.

"MOM?! Why did you pour water on me, AGAIN?!" I practically yelled while rubbing my eyes

"What can I say, it's almost the only thing that actually helps me to wake you up" she said looking confident as fuck, like seriously? How can she be so scary and then look as sweet as an angel??? "Alright silly boy wake your ass up off this bed and get ready for school, remember it's your first day! Come on CHOP CHOP*claps hands*" She said walking away.

"Ugh first day of school aiy? At least I'm not late..." I looked at my watch on my bed side table and it was exactly 8:00 a.m. "HOLY SHET IM GOING TO BE LATEEE!" I quickly got up, threw my wet sheets in the laundry basket, got on my uniform with my red tie and sprinted to the kitchen to tell my mom bye.

"BYE MOM I GOTTA GO ILL BE LATE SCHOOL STARTS IN 15 MINUTES" I practically yelled across the house.

"Alright have a great day hunny, wait don't forget your lunch!" She handed me my small lunch bag and kissed my cheek.

"Thanks mom! Love you, bye!" I ran out of our small apartment and ran as fast as I could on the side walk, making my way to school.

{Time skip At school}

I finally made it to school in time with a 5 minute spear. When I got to my locker, I picked up my books for my first class which was geography. When I closed my locker I noticed my friend Tyler smiling at me while leaning against the other lockers besides mine.
"Hey Maisy, good to see you made it in time this year." He smirked.
"Really that nickname again? You've been calling me that since we're in elementary." I sighed.
"Ya man! Why not I think it fits you very well" he grinned.
"You idiot" i mumbled while slightly pushing him.
"Haha alright now come on, we'll be late to class if we don't hurry a bit!"

Skip time In class

Tyler and I walked into class to our original seats. We talked for a while until class started. When the teacher started to speak up, everyone in the class stopped talking and listened to her very carefully, except me I just played with my pencil looking as bored as heck.

"Hello students, good morning! As you may already know I am Mrs.Clover your Geography teacher. In this class we will be talking about many subjects which I wish you can all try and at least show a bit of interest in..." she mumbled the last part "Alright then, I can see lots of familiar faces from the past 4 years of high school you all went through. Today is your first day of the last year you'll be attending this school, may it be a great year for you all and have a great time! Now this year we have a new student in your class, please be respectful and welcome this person as much as you can." She smiles while walking out the room,which I assume was to get the new student. Now THAT caught my attention. Who was this new student?

Many students started gossiping about if it would either be a chick or a lazy guy. I didn't know what to think of this "new student" so I just stayed quiet in my seat at the back.

"Pssssttttt psttttt Hey Maisy! I'm sure this new kid will be a strong basket player! What do you think? Maybe we can ask him to join our team this year!" He seemed rather excited.

"Yaaaa no I think it's probs going to be a weird freak that came over to this school cause they got expelled or some shit." I said with a shrug.

"Jeez what's the matter with you? I'm sure not, just wait and see" he smiled.

As the teacher came back a while later I saw something I never thought I'd see,

An Angel.

End of chapter 1. What did you guys think lol?
This chapter was written by lilflore12
Make sure to read the next chapter in Paige's POV, where Lilliee1234 will be writing it! Make sure to vote and comment.Cya love y'all.

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