Prologue..... An idea!!

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A new year with a new work...... Happy New Year!! This story has been on my mind for a while....lets hope it comes out the way I want it to...please bear with me and my faults!! Without further waiting.........let it begin!!

"What are you saying? Are you out of your mind or something? How can you do that? Who will help you......ok...the only conclusion is that after being single for a VERY long duration of time, you have become crazy!!", by the end of that sentence, her voice had reached a level of pitch I didn't think was supposed to be possible for humans.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You are a virgin for fuck's sake!!"

"So what? My idea has nothing to do with virginity!!"

"It has everything to do with your virginity...your body...your boobs...your ...your many more!!"

"Now you are being insensible and plain rude!!"

"I am being rude? Are you hearing yourself?! Who the fuck gave you that idea?"

"Will you stop swearing? And you are supposed to be my best are supposed to be supportive!! So do your duty!!"

"Supportive?!! My duty is to support you if you do something crazy, some manipulative scheme...something madcap...adventurous, not this....this exceeds the level of craziness!!"

"Please rose... please try to understand from my perspective, I really wanna do this...please!" I literally begged her!!"

Hearing the change in my tone she sat down beside me on the couch, and placed her palms on both the sides of my face, tilting it slightly towards her. Looking in to my eyes, she began, "Please Tia, I am trying to understand your side, but it is so sudden I just can't place my mind on it...try to make me understand."

"Rose, this was not a sudden situation....I have been planning this for a long time. I just told you today because I am ready now to do this!"

"But Tia you are a virgin still. If you just accept my request to go out with some of the men I choose for you, may be you won't be thinking like this. Are you really ready to waste away your life like this?"

"I AM NOT WASTING MY LIFE FOR FUCKS SAKE!! I am just going to have a baby"

"YEAH BY ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION. YOU WILL HAVE NO IDEA WHOSE SPERM YOU ARE GETTING", saying this she took few deep breaths to calm herself down and again faced me to get me out of my idea.

"So what? Many women do this!! I am already 28, have a great job and I hate men. This is the only way to do it. And not to forget, I love babies...I have been wanting them since forever!!"

"They are babies, not dolls that you just go, get them and play with them but when you get tired, then throw them off!! If you want them so much then go the traditional way, marry a guy, settle down and then make a kid"

"Really Rose? Really you? You are saying this? You know I hate men!!"

"Then get a girl and settle down!!"

Saying this, we just stared at each other for a few minutes and then burst out laughing. This calmed us down hugely and made the atmosphere relaxed a little.

"Really Tia, please rethink and then decide. It won't be easy. You know your parents won't be on this with you. They are already pressuring you to marry someone."

"I know that Rose, that's why I am telling you this. Hopefully you will support me on this. I really don't want to settle down with a guy. The ones I have been on a date with, really turned out to be assholes. They had no sense, no filters and were really uptight. The one I want is not in this planet, I am sure; either he is dead or not born yet. And I don't want to wait anymore. Moreover if you marry, you just spoil your happiness, your life. I don't want to do that. I want a happy, peaceful life with my cafe and my baby, that's it. Maybe my parents won't support me now but I know later they will come around."

"Ok Tia, if you are sure then go on with this plan. I will wholeheartedly support you in this insanity; just remember that it is a whole lot of new and big challenges that you are going to undertake."

"Thanks Rose. I love you for this and believe me, I know. But I have planned for this; I have selected the sperm and have already given the proper amount and the request for it. Just needs to be processed now, it can be any day."

"Ok, I am done now, can't argue anymore. So tell me about the guy whose essence you are taking," saying this she laughed out loud as if her joke was hilarious. On second thoughts, maybe it was.

"Shut up or I won't tell you. Hmmm....let's see, brown eyes, black-brown hair, tall and I think his height is 6.1 ft and overall he kinda looks good. He is well qualified, masters in business and bachelors in technology and has no noted genetic disease. So there, all good it seems and have selected him. One more thing, his donation is quite fresh so I don't know, has more potential?!" I ended my words in a question. Naah..I shouldn't worry, it's all right. HE seems good enough.

"Wow, he seems to be from the good stock. Wish he was real, I mean he was here with you, supporting you in this decision. Remember, a child needs not only a mother, but a father too."

"I know, but then again with his good looks, I am sure that man must be a play boy, so I am thankful that man is not in my life. Moreover, just think, I would have to trust him and I don't" and I started stuttering but Rose stopped me by hugging me tightly.

"Hush, don't worry, everything will be all right. I just feel it, I don't know how." Squeezing her lightly, I released her.

"Ok then, I gotta go and sleep. Tomorrow is a big day for me, so I need to be fully prepared and fresh. I am going to my room. Goodnight."

Tomorrow was going to be a life changing day for me..... I just did not know it was going to change the course of my life totally.

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