Deep breath - part 1

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Ok...I could just write out this small part....and I an working on part 2. Will be uploading soon for sure!!
I am in between juggling new job and some left over please have patience with me!!...Happy reading!!

" Man, you have the worst timing in the history of mankind. How do you manage to spoil everything?"

" Hey! I am sorry. I did not know that you will be busy with your baby Mama. The least you can do is introduce me to her before sucking her face"

Hearing them talk was making me wish that the earth would swallow me whole. Moreover they were talking as if I was not even there.

As if hearing my thoughts, Adrian looked at me and said, " Love, I love your thighs, I love you straddling me but could you please get up. I kind of am getting the feeling that we are not exactly in a position for company. Though you may remain as such. This guy doesn't matter much, truthfully."

This made me realise where I exactly was and on whom I was. I sat up straight with a jolt to my system.

" Hey, what do you mean doesn't matter much?? I am your brother, your caretaker, your fun guy...I am your all in all. I just am not your baby Mama."

"Will you stop saying those words, Asshole!! Tiara, this is Luca, aka Lucas Price. He is my partner in business and a headache in my life. His foremost quality is interrupting any good moments of my life." Saying this,he glared at him.

I rolled my eyes and straightened my clothes. I moved towards Lucas and offered him my hand.

"Nice to meet you. I would have liked it better if I had been in any other less embarrassing situation but life is as it is. I am Tiara and I am not just the baby Mama. I run my own business and I am the caterer to your event this evening. I would love it if you would call me as such", I have him smile after so that he won't be affected as much by my tight statements.

"Oohh fiesty. I like it. You will certainly be able to keep Adrian in a leash"

"Don't mind him, Tiara.  He usually leaves his brain back at home. When he keeps his mouth shut, he is more or less a nice guy." Then he turned towards Lucas and asked,
"Is everything going according to the plan? Everything is set? Do I have to look at anything?? If there are any pending work, I will look into it."

" Take a breathe. Everything is going according to the plan. People have started their work already and we are ready with the presentation. This is going to be a grand launch."

" Umm..hey guys, you can continue with your plans. I will just go to the assigned room. If anyone could direct me towards it, it will be great. I really need to be my people." This gained both the idiots' attention.

Adrian turned towards me, "Oh yeah, sorry Love, I will show you to the rooftop party."

"But I thought that the party was in the hall?"

"Well, the launch is in the hall but the party is on the rooftop"

" Ohkk, we can work with that. Please show me the way." After this, he moved out of the room, but not before he caught my hand in his to take me along.

As soon as we reached, he left silently without any words. I entered and saw that Lilly had everything under control. She was a gem, bless her. I started helping her with the decorations and the works...and thus  the time passed. Before we knew it, the lights were switched on the terrace and everyone was finished with their work.

As soon as I dropped the napkins in the box, I felt someone's presence behind me

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As soon as I dropped the napkins in the box, I felt someone's presence behind me. Turning around, I saw that Adrian was standing behind me and was waiting for me to complete.

"Are you finished? I have to show you something if you will come with me."

" I am sorry...but I will have to stay here with everyone till the end. You go on with the launch, don't worry. I am good."

" Well, you have not had a rest since the moment I left you. So you will either come with me or I am carrying you"

"You wouldn't dare!!"

" Dare me...and I will show you.."

Looking at him, I could see that he was very serious. So calculating my options, I decided to go along with him.

We went back to his office, where he opened the door present in the right corner of his room. 
As soon as he opened the door,  I could see a beautiful and a sexy red dress, every girl dreams about atleast once, lying on a bed, which was in the centre of the room.

 As soon as he opened the door,  I could see a beautiful and a sexy red dress, every girl dreams about atleast once, lying on a bed, which was in the centre of the room

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It seemed like Adrian's personal room with a queen sized bed. I kept on standing there gaping at the dress, when I felt myself being picked up.
Adrian sat down on the bed with me on his lap. He gently pushed my head to his shoulders and took out my hair clip. He started running his fingers through my hair which made me release a deep breath from within, finally making me realize that I was tightly coiled up preparing for this party. Normally, it wouldn't effect me so much, but I realized that since I got pregnant, I was getting tired easily while doing strnous activity. 

His fingers were like magic. It coursed through my hair making me relaxed to the point of sleep. I felt his lips kiss my forehead very lightly which gave a strange sort of warmth.

When I finally opened my eyes, I could feel that I had dozed off for few minutes. I looked up to see him looking at me intensely. I gulped at the look in his eyes which spoke of needs and wants that I didnot want to think of.
His hand moved towards the side of the bed and brought the glass of water towards my lips. I drank atleast half of the glass before I realized how thirsty I the literal sense of the word.....
He took a bowl from the tray that was kept on the side and brought a spoonful of fruit custard?

Seeing the question in my eyes.....he just gave a small smile. How he knew that it was my favorite,  I will never know.

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