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So Mary Elizabeth has won the name change . I went back and changed it to Mary Elizabeth only Klaus and Elijah will call her Mary Elizabeth . Everyone else will call her Liz. Thanks for commenting and Voting . Don't stop :)

-Mary Elizabeth


"Do it," I say breathless. "Come on, finish me off. Give Klaus another reason to kill you when he gets here."

The stake I had been holding was digging in my back, making it quite uncomfortable.

"Ah," I cry out as I feel the stake Damon was holding press against my skin. I could smell my blood where the tip had dug into my skin.

Seconds pass and Damon could've ended it, but he didn't.

"Can't do it, can ya?" I mock him. "You're scared of the Originals, that's why you won't kill me."

"I'm not afraid of anybody," he sneers. "Klaus included."

"Then you're an idiot," I say. "You should be afraid of Klaus."

"Thanks for the advice," Damon says sarcastically.

"You're making the biggest mistake of your life," I say, pointedly looking at the stake. "Well, what's left of it."

"What's left of it?" he questions.

"You kill me, Klaus or Elijah kill you."

He doesn't reply, he just stares down at me, his ice blue eyes hard.

Staring back up at him, I first noticed how sexy he was. The hypnotizing blue eyes, thick black hair that I would just love to run my hands through.

"Am I interrupting something?" someone asks behind us.

I look around Damon, and Elijah is standing there, hands in pockets, looking at Damon pinning me to the ground, stake above my heart.

"You might want to let me up now," I say, still looking at my father.

Damon looks over his shoulder.

"Dammit," he curses, getting off of me.

I get up and walk over to my father.

"Threatening an Original's daughter," I say. "You really are an idiot, Damon Salvatore."

"We had an agreement to keeping Elena safe," Elijah says to Damon. "You broke that promise when you daggered me and then just now when you threatened my daughter. Do it again and I'll have no choice but to take Elena away from you and you'll never see her again."

"Father, you wouldn't..." I trail off, realizing that he meant every word he said. Great, another Petrova he was obsessed with.

"And as for you," he says looking down at me with disapproval. "I remember asking you to help keep the doppelgänger safe, from Klaus, not threaten her with his arrival."

"But-" I start to object.

"No matter how pissed you were," Elijah interrupts. "It was wrong and I want you to apologize to her and Damon."

"Apologize to Damon?" I ask incredulously. "Hell no! He almost killed me! That bastard doesn't deserve an apology!"

"Mary Elizabeth," he says sternly.

"Fine," I relent looking over at Damon, who had an expectant look on his face, which made me even more pissed. "I'm sorry, dumb ass. I hope you enjoyed that because that is the closest thing to an apology you're getting."

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