Chapter 1

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Walking off the departure bay I scan the space for my aunt I spot her waiting in a seat I feel a smile pull on to my face while she waves to me I run up to her my suitcase trailing behind me letting out a panicked squeak now and then.

"Hello Aunty" I greet before she pulls me into a tight hug then asked if I was ready to go I gave a nod and we left the airport and into her car driving an hour later we were making our way through the rocky mountain guarded roads I look out the window at the town hidden between the snowy mountains trying my hardest to control my excitement. Yep I was moving in with my favourite person in the whole world my cousin, Eric Cartman whenever we meet up at family events we are inseparable a lot of people think my cousin is some raciest fat bastard but to me her was just a big cuddly bear once you got to know him I always thought of him as my big brother he was rather protective of me after all, I was moving in since my family were going through some money problems and would be easier if I lived with other family until its fixed. I jumped out the car and grabbed my luggage trailing it up stairs into the spare room well my new room now. I quickly unpacked and ran into Cartman's room but he wasn't there, where could he be?

"Oh hehe, Eric is out playing with his little friends if you want to go find him" I nod and decide to wrap up since it's much colder here than in (Home Town) H/T I wrap a (Favourite colour) F/C around my neck and a pair of matching gloves then throw on my jacket then finally go out to explore the new neighbourhood as I search for Cartman. I start to get weird looks from some kid but I just put it down to since they haven't seen me around town before I turn the corner and hear a loud melody screaming down the road getting closer with every beat.

"Come back here ball" a small brown haired girl shouts running after her ball on to the road not seeing the speeding driver.

Kenny's POV

I run to the park running a little late to meet the guys it was unusual the guys texted me saying that Cartman was acting nice. I had to see this with my own eyes, I wonder why he's being so nice? the guys have no idea he's waiting to show us later so I better move my ass. I turn the corner the roaring of rock music catch my attention probably another drunk driver I look down the road and my heart sinks to the bottom of my gut as my legs carry as fast as they can shouting on Karen to move she spots the car and freezes in fear I run as fast as I can but I was still a long while but notice another figure jump across the road and push Karen out the way and land on the soft snow safe. I breath a sigh of relief as I cross the road and race to my sister's side and thank this mysterious hero.


Without thinking I run an once close enough jump pushing myself and the little girl out the way landing in the soft newly laid snow on the other side the brown hair girl in my arms protecting her from the impact. I move my body off hers and check her over while I reassure her.

"Hey you okay? What's your name?" I ask with a tender smile

"I-I'm Karen" she stuttered obviously shaken up by what just happened but I was glad to find no injures I stayed with her until she was pulled into the arms of a stranger wearing an orange parker I didn't intervene since Karen hugged him back they must know each other.

"Kenny- I was so scared" she sobbed the boy gently cradled her in his arms and smoother over her hair.

"It's okay you're okay now, just be more careful" he reassured I couldn't help but smile at the comforting scene. After a while Karen was feeling much better and turned and to my surprise hugged me.

"Thanks for saving me, I'd be road kill if it wasn't for you" she thanked I smiled and patted her head.

"No problem, hey my name is Y/N it's nice to meet you Karen" she smiled back then grabbed her ball that some how made it back intact and wen to go find her friends again and play far away from the road.

"Hey thanks again for saving my sister, I'm Kenny her big brother I've never seen you around here" Kenny said putting out his hand I smile and shake his hand while I introduce myself.

"Nice to meet you Kenny I'm Y/N, yeah I just moved here to stay with my aunty I'm originally from H/T"

"Awesome well welcome to South Park I'm meeting my friends at the park you wanna come with?" he asked I instantly nodded thinking I'd make knew friends and find Cartman at the same time. I follow beside him to the park all the while pointed out some places like the school, the mall, Tweek's coffee shop and the movies. A while later we found ourselves at the entrance of the park and heard the voice of my favourite person. We walked to the basketball area where Cartman and two to other boys I didn't know stood one wore a green winder hat with attached ear muffs with matching gloves and an orange jacket he was bickering over something while the other was rolling his eye wearing a brown jacket, red gloves and blue hat with a red puff ball on top.

"Hey guys guess the nice Cartman didn't stay for long" Kenny greeted

"Hey Kenny, nah like usual these two are bickering like an old married couple" the red puff ball boy answered.

"Ugh we're not an old married couple! If Cartman didn't dis- Kenny who's that behind you?" the green hat kid asked

"Oh this is Y/N she's a new to town Y/N this is Stan, Kyle and Cartman"

"Hey Nice to meet you all excuse me for one second" I reply and then jump into Cartman's arms he caught me and swings me around smiling.

"Hey Y/N how was my little sis doing?" he asked putting me down the others gawk not sure what just happened.

"Wait sister?! Dude did you have her locked in your basement for 10 years?" Kyle asked which angered Cartman but I quickly explain.

"I'm not actually his sister I'm his cousin but we think of each other as sibling we get on that well" I reply

"Oh great don't tell me your against Jews and love to piss of others too?" he replied I couldn't help but giggle.

"Actually Judaism is my favourite religious topic I love studying and being apart of your traditions and I try to make friends with everyone I hate to see others in distress because of me" The three boys mouths dropped making Cartman laugh.

"We're the complete opposite but we never let our differences stop us from hanging out, Cartman is just strong willed and likes to show his dominance" I add the other find it hard to believe but nod.

"She's also a hero she actually saved my little sister from being ran over that's how I met her but I had no idea you were related to Cartman" Kenny said making Cartman look over me for any injuries and I reassured him I was okay.

Kenny's POV

I had no fucking idea that a girl that cute and sweet could be related to a racist fat ass like Cartman, maybe pigs are flying some where. After Y/N reassured Cartman she was fine we all talked for a while and then decides to do some bonding over hoops finding out Y/N was competitive I guess that's one trait she gets from him must run in the family. the teams were Kyle and Stan vs myself, Cartman and Y/N. We all take our places on the court while Kyle starts us off dribbling the ball past Cartman and passes to Stan but Y/N quickly catches and dribble then bounces the ball to me for me to score.

"That all you got boys?" Y/N teased giving me a wink I could feel my cheeks heat up as I smiled like a idiot thank god my face was covered by my hood I was too flustered to stop Stan taking the ball from me which snapped me back to reality wow have I already got the hots for her? I chase after Stan while Y/N blocks Kyle around the hoop Cartman already given up and was sitting on the bench catching his breath. We played until we all needed to rest the game tied I patted Y/N on the shoulder making her smile as we spend the rest of the day telling Y/N stories of the adventures we've been on she seemed pretty impressed.


Once it got dark we decided to call it a day and meet everyone at the bus stop tomorrow morning for school. I waved by to them and walked home with Cartman and got ready for bed brushing my teeth and having a shower before changing into some F/C PJs and snuggling into bed my head was still filled with all the adventures the four of them had been on I wonder if I'll have my own adventure with the guys?

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