Should I make a audio drama?

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Hello dear reader, I'm writing because while thinking of a new plot for my new novel I was sparked with an idea; a couple of years ago I wrote a script for a audio drama, if you don't know what an audio drama is don't fret I will explain soon anyway I really enjoyed writing and working with people to make it come true until my computer decided it was gonna have a tantrum and bail on me resulting in my losing my script, art work and well everything I stored having lost all of it I had to sadly cancel the audio drama series. Since I have had so many of you read and leave lovely comments on my novels I think it's time I try again but I wanted to get your thoughts before I start doing anything since I would be doing it not just for me but for you guys so let me go into more detail.

What is an Audio drama?

An Audio drama in a nutshell is a movie that you listen to just like a audio book is a book you listen to although audio drama aren't as popular as audio books or even podcasts.

What will my audio dramas be about?

Well depending on my final answer on wither I want to go ahead with my idea with all your support I would write whatever you guys are interested in I have a couple of ideas up my sleeve already.

Can we get a piece of this action?

Well say I go ahead and write up a script for an original story I would need voice actors to voice the characters and artists to make some art work covers or even draw out scenes, all of this would be you guys volunteering which brings me on to the next question.

Update times

Because so many people would be helping out we would all work as a team whoever is apart of the cast would record their lines and send them to me to edit in, the artists would draw up some concept art for episode covers and/or scenes which can take a lot of time because everyone will have stuff going on outside like school, work, personal life. I want to make sure that everyone that is casted gets enough time to record without causing any frustration in their personal life, my fanfic upload schedule will have to change to make sure I have enough time for both as well as my own personal life.

Bottom line

If you think you'd like to hear or be apart of an audio drama let me know if you think that it's a bad idea and want consistent updates of novels again let me know too like I said I want to hear what you guys think as I would be doing it for you, my readers. If you have any other questions that I haven't answered drop a comment and I'll get with an answer as soon as possible.


Hayl =)

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