Chapter 5

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Kenny's POV 
"Ah Mysterion, so nice of you to join us" Coon greeted I rolled my eyes.
We all sit down for our meeting the guys dressed up Kyle as his alter ego the Human Kite, Stan as Tool shed, Clyde as Mosquito, Token as Tupperware and our fat ass leader Coon as Cartman, I have no idea how no one has figured out that he is the coon, I bet Y/N could figure it out in a snap- there I go thinking about her again too bad we're just friends she probably doesn't feel the same way about me as I feel about her. 
"Where were you Mysterion, out fighting crime without us?" Asked Tupperware 
"Or out saving a damsel?" Mosquito added raising an eyebrow my direction.
"Yeah how was your play date?" Stan teased they all must of found out from Cartman that Y/N had came to my place, speaking of Cartman it looked like he was gonna bust a ball. 
"Eh! enough talking about Y/N and get on with the meeting, but if I find out that your poor ass is hurting her I'll personally cut your balls off and feed them to ravenousness dogs!" Cartman threatened smacking his hands down on the table hard the noise echoing around the room ending the little chat about me and Y/N
"Alright now that we're done talking about that lets get on with business, you may notice some members are missing, they are out on patrol it seems Professor Chaos may be up to his old tricks when Mysterion was on patrol this week he noticed some lava around where the jobless bums hang out and countless people have been receiving chaos bills" Coon explained passing around pictures of the evidence found so far I clenched me fists cursing Professor Chaos under my breath if only we knew his identity. 
"We don't know anything else your jobs this week is to find out what he's up to" Coon commanded everyone nodding jumping out of their seats me the first in the line about to turn the corner but I noticed a shadow on the dimly lit floor and quickly caught the weapon coming toward my head. I gasped as I was met with familiar eyes. Y/N.


I looked around the room to see more heroes with shocked expressions; one with a kite on his back he must be the human kite, next to him was a boy with raven hair and yellow goggles covering his face and a belt equipped with many handy tools hmmm must be Tool shed the one Stan mentioned, two more near by a boy covered in plastic kind of looked like a robot and the other dressed like a bug must be Tupperware and Mosquito who I believed was Clyde's and Token's favourites but wait that's only five where's the last one? I heard someone clear their throat grabbing my attention. A boy with brown hair and dresses like a cat? no skunk? wait he looks those animals people nickname little robbers what are they called again? Oh yeah! Coon duh the leader of the band of heroes and Erics favourite- wait come to think of it he has Eric's build and it would explain why their lair is down here.
"Cartman?" I ask looking to him stepping closer. 
"Umm no your mistaken miss, I'm the Coon" he replied I raised an brow and gave him a knowing expression and pulled out my phone and as I predicted his phone began to ring.
"She's good" Tool shed commented. Eric shot him a glare as he began to explained that he was the Coon and he and the rest of the heroes protected their beloved town. 
"I can't believe my cousin is a superhero that's so cool!" Wait if your a hero then maybe these other heroes I know from school? I thought my mind going a mile a minute. Then came a spark of genius. 
"I want to join!"
"No" Cartman interrupted shooting me down my dream straight away
"Why not?" I pout
"I don't want you getting hurt, sure you can handle some bullies at school but out on the streets it's a different story" he explains the others agreeing by giving a nod they can't be serious, right? I look to the others who nod. 
"You really think I can't do this? Seriously?" I ask they look down I looked over to Mysterion, surly he would. 
"I had to save you, no hero needs saved" he replies my heart sank at his words, too much was going through my head I storm off passed the boys without looking back as Eric shouts after me. I lock my room door and sink into my bed grabbing a pillow to scream her frustration into I lifted my head up and noticed the pillow was wet I touched my cheek I was crying I hadn't even noticed it must of been from what Mysterion said, his words did cut deep than any coon claw could. So much for liking him.

Kenny's POV 
I felt horrible for what I said to Y/N but it was in her best interest I couldn't live with myself if something happened to her while we were on patrol she meant too much.
"Meeting adjured see yourselves out I have to make sure she's okay" Cartman said with a sigh looked like he felt bad too.
"You did the right thing dude" Stan said the others agreeing. 
"She'll be okay, this will blow over" Kyle added. I heaved a sigh before I left with the others walking passed an abandoned factory too distracted by my thoughts to notice the specks of lava around the place.

I could hear Cartman knocking on the door I didn't bother to answer still annoyed he gave up after ten minutes passed. I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling and posters around my room which sparked an idea a smirk appearing on my face, I grabbed a pen and pad starting to sketch a uniform if they weren't gonna to let me play apart of a team I'll just play solo; school photographer by day and hero by night. I drew a couple sketches taking inspiration from different comic book heroes' costumes and decided on my second idea, it consisted of; black leggings to easy move around in, a dark F/C shirt to hep me blend in to the night then finally to help hide my appearance I chose a F/C cloak and mask. I spent the rest of the night putting together my costume quietly not to disturb my aunt and cousin. Hmmm I still a name what should it be? It should be something that is fitting with my personality but still mysterious. After a while of thinking I finally came up with the perfect name for my alter ego, can't wait for the town to meet H/N (Hero name)

(P.S comment your hero name I'd love to hear them mine is Willow Wisp)

Butter's POV
I watched my minions bring in more of the mysterious green chemical while the rest of the town sleeps but evil never sleeps, yes I was a little worried about those pesky heroes they have defeated me in the past but not this time, this master plan is full proof just a few more tests and a special guest and everything will be ready those heroes won't know what hit them! Mwhahahaha!
"Ugh Professor Chaos your doing it again?" General Disarray interrupted I looked to him. 
"Doing what again?" I ask
"Staying quiet for a while and then laughing evilly" 
"Oh, I wasn't speaking out loud?" I ask embarrassed 
"No sir, in your head again" 
"Oh... Well no matter, all will know my plan soon enough Mwhahahaha!"

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