Chapter 9

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I beam a smile as I walk in with the guys but remember I need my math book and make my way to my locker, opening it I notice a folded piece of paper float out my locker and on to my shoes I raise a brow as I pick it up and read what's written inside. My blood runs cold and look around while I try to pace my rapid heart, the note read 'I know who you are' but who? I look around but stopped by the bell ringing I quickly grabbed my books and headed to class my head filled with questions; who knows? How could they know? When did I blow my cover?

"Y/N CARTMAN!" Barked a voice pulling me away from my thought and back to the real world, all the others looking to me and a red faced Mr. Garrison.

"Well?!" he snarled while I looked on in confusion.

"I'm sorry what were you asking" I muttered in a small voice embarrassed and that wasn't the last time it happened to say I had my head way passed the clouds the guys constantly asking if I was okay I hated to make them concerned about me but if I told them then they might not believe me or I'd be putting them in danger if they wanted to help. I put on a smile and giggle

"Sorry guys, just tired I'm gonna get some fresh air I'll be back soon" then excuse myself from the table to head outside to think.

Kenny's POV

"Dude what's wrong with her today?" Kyle asked Cartman shrugged

"She was fine earlier, maybe she's on her period or something"

"Gross dude! Beside aren't girls suppose to be crying and hungry and angry all at the one time too?" Stan questioned.

I was very concerned for Y/N she had been acting weird ever since she went to her locker what could of happened? I have to find out what if it's something serious?! I slip off the bench and tell the guys I gotta take a leak and go after Y/N she shouldn't be alone at a time like this but maybe she's not tell me for a reason, then she should be able to tell her knight in shinning armour...


I lean against the opposite wall where the goth kids smoke and talk about how dark the world is and how everyone except the four of them are conformists. I sigh back to thinking of who could of seen my face I made sure to always dress at home and sneak out the window, when could someone possibly have seen my true identity. I hear some drop a couple of feet behind me their foot steps crunching the snow beneath their feet getting closer and closer I feel their hand touch my shoulder without thinking I grab their arm and flip them over they let out a groan while I gasp. Mysterion!

"Is this how we say hello now?" he coughed I helped him up and dust the snow off his uniform.

"Sorry got a little paranoid" I apologise I look down to his wrist to see my gift wrapped around it I couldn't help but smile.

"I noticed your usually with your cousin and his friends"

"Well something happened"

"Like?" I sigh, should I tell him he is a hero I know I've only met him a couple of times but he reminds me of someone that I trust dearly.

"Okay, but you can't freak out promise" He crosses his heart while looking me in the eye.

"Alright, you know that new hero that has been running around H/N well that's me" He caught his breath in his throat while he gasped resulting him in coughing. I pat his back seems he believes me so I continue.

"After our little mission last night I fret that someone found out who I was, I went to my locker and this fell out" I finished giving him the note.

Your Hero: Mysterion/Kenny X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now