two ✘ meeting more preps

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   "So today is an even day, let me see your schedule," Maya says turning to me as we walk alongside each other in the hall

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"So today is an even day, let me see your schedule," Maya says turning to me as we walk alongside each other in the hall. I hand her the paper and watch as her eyes scan over it.

First: English
Second: Government | Minority Studies
Third: Health
Fourth: Chemistry
Fifth: Geometry
Sixth: Adv Geography
Seventh: TBH
Eighth: TBH

"Alright so we have four classes together," She states handing me the paper back. I sigh in relief, "Those four are?" "Gov, English, Chem and Geometry."

"I'm hoping lunch too." Maya turns to me with a grin, "Yes, same. Then you'll get to meet my besties." I mentally cringe.

"Okay for the remainder of the class you may talk," Ms. Voller says as she takes a seat in her desk. "So Chem buddy, how are you liking T Prep so far?" Maya asks nudging my left arm.

She decided on letting me be her partner in Chemistry since; one. I'm new, two. Chemistry is hard and three. I'm a girl.

"Ask me in a week and I'll have a legitimately answer," I say as she giggles. "Okay but as for the boys, I know you've seen at least one cutie." I mentally blush thinking of Mason, "I actually have. His name is-" knock knock.

Our attention turns to the door. "Come in," Ms. Voller says. Speak of the angel.

Mason enters the classroom. "Hello Ms. Voller, I'm here to turn in Chandler and I's assignment from yesterday." "Sure, come, even though it was due yesterday."

He walks over to her desk while shrugging, "Sorry Chandler can be a hassle sometimes," he apologizes making me smile. He's so sweet.

As she gets out a folder and takes the paper from him, he starts looking around the room. I wave, catching his eye. "Oh hey Giana," he says walking over to Maya and I. "Hey Mason," I say all bubbly. I turn to Maya as she clears her throat. "Mason." He nods, "Maya."

I furrow my eyebrows, looking between the two. I would've ask if they've known each other but that would've been stupid on my part since they attend the same school and all.

"Well," Mason starts, "I'll see you later Giana." He stated before walking back to Ms. Voller's desk. "What was that all about?" I ask turning to Maya. She shrugs, "Just one of my best friends exes," she simply says. "Oh.."

"Anyway who's the lucky guy?" She asks perking her head up. "Um. I never got his name, sorry." I lie. I decided not to tell her it is Mason because I don't want to start drama already. Especially between us.

"Well alright, weirdo."

"Wow the lunch here is even better," I say placing a plate of cuisine on my tray. I look at Maya and then her tray which has a Caesar salad and green apple. "Eating healthy?"

"It's the way to go. Now follow me," she commanded while leading me through a somewhat crowded cafeteria. I stand as she takes a seat at this booth in front of a blondie. "Hey babe, how's your day been so far?"

The blonde girl looks up from her phone and smiles, "Good. Chandler and I texted through most of the our classes." I cleared my throat already annoyed with their conversation. They both look up. "Um, no pictures please."

I roll my eyes at the girl's comment as Maya speaks up, "She's not a photo club geek, she's the new girl Giana."

A/N: sorry to anyone in the photo club at their school. YOU'RE AWESOME!

Blondie clicks her phone off, putting all her attention on me. For about 30 seconds she scans me over. "Giana, what a pretty name. Wow you're also pretty. Sit, sit," she commands. Maya scoots over giving me room to sit beside her. "First time ever, we've had a pretty new girl."

"I'm the Kate Wilmington," she states with her hand out. I shake it in awe, "Wait your dad's the Phil Wilmington of Wilmington Law firm?" I ask. She chuckles, "I mean of course, he's not Dr. Phil from tv." I couldn't help but laugh.

"Where's Jade? She's always late," Kate, all of a sudden, asks before taking a bite of her salad.

Is salad the new go-to food or...

"C'mon Kate you know Jade, she does extra-curricular work for fun," "No, that's because her parents make her do it. Just so she can get into her dream college." Kate rolls her eyes, "I mean I don't know why, they're rich can't they just pay her way into Harvard."

My eyes widen after what she said. Great I have to have rich parents to fit in.

"Hey babe,"

We turn attention to- oh my gosh! -the guy I saw this morning. Oh no! I watch as he takes a seat beside Kate. Oh no! He places his arm around her neck kissing her cheek. Oh no!

"Sup Chandler," Maya says before getting out her phone. I just awkwardly sit here, looking between the couple in front of me and the distracted girl beside me. Lord please send me a savior.

"Chandler, dude, hey."

I look to my right seeing Mason. Thank you so much!

Chandler looks away from Kate nodding at Mason. "Sup dude, where are the other guys?"

"They decided that Coach Wilson needed a taste of his own medicine so they're going down to the field house to prank him," After Mason finishes he turns, his eyes meeting mine.

"Giana, hey," He says with a smile. I giggle, "Hey Mason, how're you?" "I'm good. You?"

"Good as well," I say as he nods. "Do you mind?" He asks pointing beside me. I shake my head immediately making room for him. "Ow," Maya whines. "Sorry." I quickly say as he takes a seat.

"Hey, who are you?" I mentally roll my eyes at Chandler. I mean had he not noticed me earlier?!

"I'm Giana, the new girl here," I answer he nods. "Hey, you're also the girl who did those tricks with my soccer ball this morning." I embarrassingly blush as everyone at the table looks at me. "You play soccer?" Maya asks. I nod, "Yeah she was captain at her old school." Mason butted in making me smile.

"Wow that's so cool. Too bad you won't be showing that talent here." Chandler says ruining the mood. "And why is that?" "Because there's no girls' soccer team here."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2017 ⏰

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