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[oct. 09, 2017]

I walked into the dingy bar, it was about a block away from the hotel that WWE was staying at and on a Sunday night, it was fairly deserted. Only a few younger faces sat in the building. I walked over to the bar, closest to the door and sat on a stool.

"What can I get you?" The bartender asks me. I look up at him, but my eyes wander across, on the other side of the bar. Furthest from the door, I saw Allen. I looked at the slightly tan man. Wearing a grey shirt, his hair was down like normal. He looked a little upset, sitting all alone downing drinks. Instead of answering the bartender, I stood up and walked over to him. Before having time to actually contemplate what I was doing, I sit down on the stool next to him. He didn't even so much look at me till I spoke. Probably assuming that I wasn't anyone important.

"Are you sure drinking alone is safe?" I question. He looks over at me. Unsure of what to say for a moment, clearly surprised at seeing me here. I can already tell he's slightly drunk.

"Yeah well, I'd prefer to be alone right now." He replies as he downs some of his drink.

"Yeah well, too bad." I say mimicking him.

"Seriously. Tonight's the worst. Leave me alone." He says. He downs the drink quickly before asking for another. His words slightly slurring. I glare at him for the harsh tone, all I'm doing is helping. I should be getting told 'Thank you', not 'leave me alone'.

"No. He's cut off." I inform the bartender who nods his head. Not disagreeing with me, he probably would cut Allen off too after a little while more.

"Come on. My divorce gets finalized and I can't even be alone and cope my own way." He complains. I freeze in my spot. Divorce. Looking down at his hands. Noticing no silver band like always. Come to think of it, I don't even remember when he quit wearing it.

"And I just got dumped. So, you aren't the only one who was hoping to sulk. But you're drunk." I reply before standing up and forcefully grabbing his hand. I struggle but manage to pull him off of the stool. I fish out a $20 and put it on the bar.

"Keep the change." I pull him out of the dark building and down the sidewalk in the direction of the hotel. Him not being much of assistance.

"I think my 16 year marriage beats you dating someone." He replies smartly. I take a deep breath, trying not to go off on him.

"I dated them for damn near 10 years. So, I could've just left you in the bar. You would've been cut off eventually and had no way of getting back to the hotel." I snap before continuing to pull him. This time quicker than before. We get to the hotel a few minutes later.

"Where's your key?" I question. Just as I ask him, he stumbles on his feet and falls. I roll my eyes before helping him up. We go over to where the elevators are and I push the up button. He clearly wouldn't know where his key is, being this drunk. I push the number four. A few moments later we arrive at my floor. The doors open and we exit. Him stumbling slightly. I fish out the key card in my pocket and slide it in the slot. Unlocking the door. I hold the door open for Allen and he walks in. Before I'm fully in the room he's already flopped onto my bed.

edited: June 27, 2018

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