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[oct. 25, 2017]

My eyes slowly yet surely opened up, and I was still where I was last night when I fell asleep in Allen's muscular arms. A large part of me was excited for my newfound friend to bridge out there and find himself someone, but with that meant I wouldn't get to have our usual nights, and we can't open up to one another. A small, very small, miniscule part of me was slightly just a tad bit jealous of Allen having someone else in his life.

"What's wrong?" Allen asks as he squeezes me tightly for a brief moment. I slowly open my eyes and look up at him, his eyes studying my face very carefully.

"Nothing. Nothing. Just thinking. Don't worry," I reassure him. He nods his head.

"Quit thinking, go back to sleep." He urges. Clearly hoping that once I get back to sleep, so he could do the same.

"I'll try." I whisper back. Cuddling closer into him before slowly falling back into a dreamless sleep.




"Ashley! What are you doing here?" I ask. She shrugs slightly.

"Just came to see you." She replies. I'd forced Allen to hide in the bathroom, this way whomever it was wouldn't see him and get the wrong idea. Given it was fairly early, it'd look really bad if she sees him.

"That's actually really nice of you." I say cheerfully.

"Who's shoes are these?" Ashley inquires as she looks next to my bed. I glance at them, and my eyes widen slightly. Attempting to think up a lie.

"Oh, those are Allen's. He left them in my bag last night, and I took em out, so I'd remember to give them back." I lie. She nods her head. Thankfully she believed my lie. Otherwise both Allen and I are screwed.

edited: November 16, 2018

Less Than Phenomenal - A. StylesWhere stories live. Discover now