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Sorry for my late update, life has been hectic with finals and all that junk, but I'm back and going to resume my normal posting schedule. And I plan on adding a book or two to that schedule hopefully soon.

Also, I've finally made a decision about what I want to do in life, just in case my original plan doesn't fall through. I want to write. I've always had a passion for reading and writing, so I'm gonna take further creative writing classes and start taking this more seriously.

I'm also sorry for all the mistakes. My laptop broke a little while back so this was written on my phone.

Now, for real this time. On with the story,

[oct. 17, 2017]

"Hey Bobby! How are you?" I question with a smile.

"I'm great-"

"That's disappointing. You really could've said GLORIOUS." I reply.

"Yeah, well, I suppose that's true. But I suppose you can't win em all Jayce." He replies with a slight laugh.

"True." I reply.

"How've you been? I know you take trips home regularly. It must be nice."

"I mean, if nice you mean filled with dealing with moving...then yes. It is." I reply with a joke.

"Moving? Where to?" He asks interested.

"Maybe Boston? I haven't decided. Just away from Florida." I inform.

"I definitely recommend Canada. It's beautiful, I love it there. I wish I could get more time there." He informs.

"Where in Canada?" I question.

"Toronto, it's a nice little townhouse just outside the busy city, it's stunning." He replies.

"Now, I might have to check it out!" I reply.

"I'd be happy to be a tour guide for ya." He suggests.

"That'd be awesome definitely!" I chirp.

"We can talk more about it some other time...definitely." He offers.

"Sure. Thanks." I reply before walking away.

edited: July 10, 2018

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