New Years Eve (ft Logicality)

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Happy new year everyone! This one is short cause I wrote it at my friends yesterday but yeah enjoy. Also I'm gonna take a short break (until around the 9th) because I'm not in a great place mentally at the moment. But anyway I hope you enjoy your new year.

Roman's P.O.V~

Patton and Logan have kissed at midnight on New Years Eve for 3 years now. I am determined to make this year the year I confess to Virgil. I tried last year but chickened out at the last minute. But this year will be drifferent. This year I will do it, I will act like the Prince I am and be brave. Maybe.

~Time skip till 11:58 pm~

Virgil's P.O.V~

The four of us were sat in the common room watching the countdown to the new year. Patton and Logan had sat together like always so I took my seat next to Roman. I had been trying to work up the courage to kiss him at midnight for the last 3 years. Never succeeding. The closet I got to actually doing it was last year but I still couldn't do it. It was the last minute of 2017. I was determined to do it this time. Patton had helped me build up the confidence. As always we counted down the last 10 seconds of the year. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" I look up at Roman to see him looking right back at me. Was he going to... No. No way. I felt my face get warm as we kept looking at each other. I could see Patton and Logan behind him leaning in to each other. Making my face burn even more. I went to look away but Roman placed his hand under my chin and stopped me. "Roman?" He looks at me softly. "Sorry Vee. But I've wanted to do this for three years. Is it okay?" I nodded so he lent in closer closing the gap between us. "Are you sure?" I nod again. "Of course I'm sure Princey." Before he could say anything else I lent forwards the rest of the way.

Roman's P.O.V~

I finally did it. Oh my god. Virgil pulled away red faced and sat up a bit more. "Was that... okay?" I nod pulling him in for another short kiss. "It was perfect Virgil." He laughs and leans bak into the couch. "Hey Vee?" He sits up a bit. "Yeah?" I pull him closer. "Would you be my boyfriend?" He smiles at me and pulls me into a hug. "Of course I will Princey." As we pull away I hear Patton squeal. Turning around to face them I see Patton with his hands hovering over his mouth and Logan was just smirking. "About time." Patton lightly hits his arm. "Shush. I'm so proud of you two.!" Virgil smirks and before shoving his head down. "Thanks?" I laugh and pull him into another hug. "Happy new year guys." "Happy New Year." They all reply. I look down at Virgil. "Happy New Year Vee." He looks up at me and smiles. "Happy New Year Ro."

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