You need to leave...

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Trigger Warning: Suicide attempt.

Human au. I'm sorry for Logan by the way.

Virgil's P.O.V~

We've had another fight. This is the 3rd one this week and  it's only tuesday. "Virgil..." I turn away opening the door. "You need to leave..." He tries reaching for my arm but I just step out of reach, still holding the door. "NOW!" He lowers his head leaving. He turns around one last time before I close the door. As soon as he leaves I pick up my phone and think about calling him. I chuck my phone across the room. "What am I doing?!" I collapsed onto my couch and curled in on my self.

"Virgil?" I pull myself up still wrapped in a blanket towards my door. "What?" The same clear groveling voice as always, hidden behind my door. "I'm sorry baby, please just open the door, let me in." He's not sorry. He never is, but as always I'm too weak to keep him out. "Okay. Come in." I unlock the door and drop back onto my couch. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again. Do you forgive me?" I nod my head without thinking. I don't know if I do. I don't know if I can. But I can't lose him. "Yeah, I forgive you." Wrapping his arms around me he pulls me down on to the couch. "I am really sorry." I bite my lip to keep myself from asking. Asking the one question I've wanted to ask for months.

"Are you?"

Shit. I didn't mean to ask. I don't want to know. "What?" He sits up quickly letting me go. I take a deep breath. I've already said it. I might aswell roll with it. "Are you sorry?" Leaning backwards he stares at me. "Of course I am." Shaking my head I sit up. "But I don't think you are. The amount of times that this scenario has played out. Us fighting, me kicking you out, you coming back and me letting you." He stands up from his sitting position. "What? Do you think I enjoy fighting with you?" I stand up to meet him. "I don't know! But now that you've asked that I do! All I did was state facts. But now here we are like always fighting!" He takes a deep breath. "So what do you think we should do Virgil?" I turn away slightly before looking back. "I think you should leave. For good this time." He takes a step backwards. "Really?" I nod my head sadly. "Yes. This isn't a healthy reltionship Logan. It never has been. I know it, you know it. Heck the amount of times Roman, Patton or Thomas tried to make me end it..." He stares at me cutting me off. "Roman! Why does it always come back to him? Every time, he seems to be more important than me." I drop the blanket. "Of course not! But he is now! He's a friend yet all you ever seem to do is insist that there's something more! You know what? Maybe there is and I just haven't realised. But can you blame me?" I take a small step forwards. "He cares for me. Which is more than I can say for you boyfriend!" He steps back. "You think I don't care about you?" "Well you've got a funny way of showing it if you do! You put your work before everything! We argue about everything and I'm sick of it. So this time I mean it, get out of my house and what ever you do, do not come back here. We're over." Turning around he whacks some of the pictures off the mantle. "Fine! Fine, you know what? I will leave. Have a nice life Virgil. Just know that no one else will put up with you for nearly as long as I have!"

I throw my hands up defensivley as he throws some more pictures around. Some of them smashing on impact. "Have a nice life!" He slams the door as he leaves. I pick my phone up and run upstairs. I fall on my bed thinking about what he said about Roman. Maybe he's right. Maybe I do like him

~10 minute time skip~

Yeah, I guess he was right. But that means he was probably also right about what he said before he slammed the door. I got up and picked up my keys. I locked my door and left my estate.

I got where I wanted quickly. I walked to the middle of the bridge, looking over the side. It's late meaning the water is going to be freezing. Placing my other hand on the bridge I leant over the side. It might hurt when I fall. It's suprisingly deep water. I climbed over the bar and sat on the edge. Watching my feet dangle off the bridge, I realised I didn't want to do this. Whether or not they care about me I have people that I care about. I tried to stand up to find my legs weak. My breathing gets heavy as I try to stay calm. I reach into my pocket for my phone. I need to phone someone. I need help.

"R...Roman, please help me. I've made a stupid mistake..."
"Virgil! Calm down. Tell me where you are and don't move. Okay? can you do that for me?"
"Yeah, I can do that. I'm at the lake..."
"Virgil, please tell me you didn't..."
"I'm sorry. But please help me first. I'm scared, I can't get back over."
"I'm coming now okay please just don't move. I'll be there in 5 mimutes."

I hung up the phone and placed it back in my pocket, leaning as far into the bridge as I can manage. He was true to his word and was at the lake in 5 minutes from me hanging up. "Virgil! Oh my god!" He holds his hand out to me and pulls me over the bar with ease. "Roman... I'm sorry. It was a stupid desicion..." I apologise again and again as we walked to his car. "It's okay, you phoned me at the right time. But can you tell me why?" I nod as I fiddle with the seat belt. "I broke up with Logan today. We had another fight earlier today. I finally ended it about an hour ago. But he said something on his way out that really got to me..." He turns to me in his seat. "What did he say Virgil?" I sigh before speaking again. "He said that no one would put up with me for as long as he had. It's stupid..." He shakes his head quickly. "It is not!"

~Time skip 3 years~

It's been three years since the Logan incident. Roman asked me out a week afterwards, in order to make sure that I was okay. We have now been going out a year long than me and Logan. Each day has been better than every day combined with Logan. It was out anniversary next week and I think he was going to proprose. But that's mainly because Patton keeps telling me he will. "Virgil? You okay?" I snap back into reality. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay." He looks at me judgingly. "Okay, okay. I was thinking about Logan. It's been three years since... what happened. And almost three years since we got together." He sits up slightly. "You don't..." I sit up quickly. "I don't regret it. I love you. You've never once done anything I wasn't ready for. And I'm more than thankful for that. I was just thinking it's wierd how this extreme happiness I feel with you, came from anger and sadness with someone else." He pulls me into a soft hug. "I love you Virgil." I return the hug. "I love you too."

~Time skip 1 week~

It's mine and Roman's anniversary. Waking up early I got up to make Roman breakfast. I got into the kitchen to see him already up. "Oh, morning babe. Didn't realise you're already up." He smiles pulling me into a hug. "It's alright love. But I have a question to ask you..." He reaches into his pocket getting down on one knee. "Virgil, I love you, I know you've had some bad experiences but I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So if you don't mind won't you make me the happiest man on the planet and be my husband?" I laugh and wrap my arms around my neck. "Of course I will Roman!" He places the ring on my finger once he stands up. "I'm so glad." He kisses me softly. "I was so worried you would say no." I shook my head quickly. "There is no way I would've said no. I love you." He laughs and pulls me into a hug. "I love you too. Now how about we go out for breakfast?" I nod again. "That sounds nice."

Sorry Analogical fans. I needed angst to turn into pure fluff cause I wanted to try this type of chapter with a long time skip.

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