Chapter 5 - What happened

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~Kurt's POV~
We headed to the bus so Manson could finally go to his autograph session.
While we were inside the bus, Manson was acting weird again but I ignored.


~Manson's POV~
We were finally going to the autograph session but I couldn't stop thinking about how did Kurt ended up in that fucking hell, I also noticed some scars o  his arms and that got me a little worried.

<K/Kurt  M/Manson >
M: Hey kid, is it ok if I ask you something ?
K: Yeah, I guess...
M: How did you ended up inside that hell
K: What, the orphanage? Well, I had to go in there because my parents died.
M: How did they died
K: Well my dad used to drink a lot, like, A LOT. He was like a sponge. One day he arrived home drunker then  usual and for some reason he tried to slap me, but my mom wouldn't let him so he grabbed a knive, stabbed her on the neck, called the cops and then killed himself.
M:And how did the cops told a 5 year old that his parents were dead?
K: They didn't need. I was watching.
M: Ouch
K: Yeah I know, it was hard to see but I got over it.
M:  Hey I'm going to give a concert tomorrow in LA. Wanna go on stage with me or do you want to be on the back stage.
K: I wanna go backstage, obviously. This is a dream come true, I was adopted by Marilyn Manson and now I'm going to be with him on stage.

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