Chapter 5

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It was past noon when I decided to leave.

"Chase, you're alright staying with Lanny right? I have to go pick up Sophie and get some more grocery," I said to Chase.

"Of course I'll be okay. It was just the giving birth part I couldn't handle," said Chase.

"Alright then. I'll go over to your house tomorrow. Oh, call me if you need anything," I said as I was walking out.

I was halfway down the hall when Chase calls my name. I stopped, and turned to see him carrying a package.

"Can you please bring this to alpha Michael. I was suppose to give this to him at the meeting this afternoon, but as you can see, I won't be able to make it," said Chase as he held out the package.

"Of course, what time do I have to drop it by?" I took the package and asked Chase.

"Well, the meeting is around 4, so I guess before 4 would be fine as long as the alpha gets the package," said Chase.

"Alright, see ya later," I said and walked away.

I arrived at Marcus and Fiona's house within 10 minutes. I didn't knock on the door, but went straight to the backyard because I can hear the children's laughter. I walked over to the patio set, and sat there watching the children play.

"Rebbeca!" said a female voice.

I turned around, and the smile on my face brighten.

"Mom, how are you?" I asked as I hugged Fiona.

"I'm doing fine, how about you sweety?" asked Fiona.

"I'll be better when my hand isn't as numb, and I catch up on my sleep," I said.

"Haha, it was that bad? I'm planning to go to the hospital in about an hour to see Lianna. So do I have a grandson or a granddaughter?" Fiona asked excitedly.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out," I said with a wink.

"Tisk, tisk, tisk won't even let me know what teddy bear to buy," muttered Fiona.

"Aha, don't worry, after you find out, you can always go downstairs to the gift shop and buy one," I said.

I looked at my watch, "Shoot. I need to do some grocery shopping then give a package to the alpha. I have to go, I'm sorry I can't stay any longer," I said to Fiona.

"It's alright sweetie, just make sure you visit more often. It gets lonely in the house without kids," said Fiona.

" I sure will," I said and kissed Fiona's cheek.

I walked over to Sophie. "Sophie, it's time to go!" I said.

"Mommy," she yelled as she just noticed me. She ran up to me and tackled me into a hug.

"Hello to you too, but it's time to go. We need to do some grocery shopping," I said to Sophie.

"Okay, but can I push the cart?" asked Sophie.

"Of course you can. Now go say bye to grandma, and we'll get going," I said.

"Okay," Sophie said and ran off to give FIona a hug and a kiss. She let go of Fiona and ran back to me. I put her in her car seat and got into the driver's seat and drove to the local market.

The market wasn't far from Marcus and Fiona's house, and it took about 2 minutes car ride.I turned into the parking lot and parked into an empty space. I stopped my car and went to the back seat to take Sophie out.

Shopping for grocery didn't take long. I bought some bread, milk, eggs, fruits, vegetables and grape juice for Sophie.

"Mommy, where are we going?" asked Sophie as she stared out the window and knowing that we weren't going home.

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