(chapter 1 ) loving life

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Mark's POV
I was just leaving the studio and I was planning on just taking a quick shower and hitting the hay.It has been a loooooong day
Made a video with Tyler and Ethan and I just don't have the energy to make another one. Anyways gathering my things I get into my car and start the drive home...oh how good a warm bed after hot shower sounds............when I finally get home and into the house , I lock the door and put my things onto the table.... Somehow my house feels different...  Whatever  , I rush upstairs and go into the bathroom I'll get my things off the table Tommorrow or maybe not....   When I finally get in the shower I just let the warm water pour over me.... And I sigh " boy it was a long day " I muttered to myself even though I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched......

I didn't want dark in this chapter but whatever.....(p.s. my notes)

Dark's POV
I know watching myself Is wrong but I don't really have the guts to talk to him about my problem and that's sounds so pathetic coming from me... Of all people just hearing myself say it makes me feel stupid.... As I was thinking I almost followed him into the bathroom but instead I closed the door.... How can thinking make you just wander like that...
I really shouldn't even ask that question cuz I'm just wandering threw his house right now...Mark  somehow sense my presence and I can feel it.... So he knows that I'm here but he doesn't know.. If that's weird enough to say....maybe I should rehearse what I'll say to him.. Ugh.... I got nothin.... I'll just stay here without saying anything or letting him see me.... I go downstairs and  help myself to a cookie in the fridge.... I took my flannel off and my shirt  ,I stuffed them under the couch and then I went to sleep.....

This was not long but I hope you like it so far probably not cuz yeah I'm the worst. You don't have to read this trash K bye....
- 361 words

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