(chapter 7 ) catching up

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Mark's POV
It's been atleast two more weeks and Dark's even been coming to work with me lately... Not like normal he was invisible but he helped me prank everyone in the studio.. He's really rubbing off on me.... I wouldn't say we got along necessarily, but we got used to eachother in a sense.... And for some reason I didn't want him to leave ..  He's like a bestfriend I never thought existed if that makes sense....... He must have gotten VERY comfortable with me because.... well today waking up I found him in the most peculiar spot....

Dark's POV
" What are you doing in my bed " mark asked almost yelling but quietly because it was early and I could tell he was still drowsy... " I was cold..... " I said without even opening an eye to acknowledge his face..... He was just getting up from bed and was shocked to see me there beside him... I'm usually on the couch but lately it was getting really drafty down there.. so I came in here and got under the covers.... Mark's body warmth was soothing and it felt like the blanket itself had been pre-heated to the perfect temperature...... It was really nice and I didn't care if he was upset about it.... If you want a warm cover being yelled at by a nitwit doesn't seem half bad............

Mark's POV
He said he was cold but I wasn't going to let him take my bed...
Actually after I gave it some thought how would I keep him out of my bed.... He literally can float threw walls..... Trying not to think about how  I literally just slept with a guy...... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ... This thought made Mark's face flush cherry red.......       When he went back to his room he could tell dark felt the same way..... Because he had blushed lightly sprinkled across his face... Mark couldn't make out if he was smiling or frowning though.... Probably frowning... Dark did that often.... It was like... His poker face or something..... I couldn't help but take a picture of him and add cat ears and whiskers with my phones app..
It was hilarious.... Though the cat ears and whiskers almost made him look innocent..... Maybe even adorable..... I shook off that thought and continued getting dressed....

Dark's POV
As soon as Mark left the room I sat up.... Reading people's thoughts Is wrong but what he was thinking was very,  interesting..... And did he....Really just call me adorable.........,?♡

- sorry to cut this short galaxies but literally not ending it right here would ruin the moment :3
and because I need to stop doing this so late at night I'm like so tired.... Welp gotta lot of editing to do so yeah....... - The0space0writer - 466 words

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