chapter 1.

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                                                                ~what mystic looks like up top! I DON'T own this~

Miko and Jack sat in the autobot base, bumblebee drove in letting out an extremely sadden raf who climbed the stairs head hung low plopping down next to Miko. Bumblebee showed complete worry for his charge and once the autobots caught on they circled the railing "what's wrong?" Miko looked at the younger boy who looked up with a heartbreaking expression "I just found out I'm adopted" "what's the big deal about that?" Miko slapped the back of Jacks head "my original family didn't want me....and now my family is ignoring me, I think it's just a matter of time befor-" "don't talk like that, I bet your family loves you. They just can't show it since they're so busy-" "with my siblings" raf cut in sadly. Bumblebee tried to cheer up his friend by rubbing his head.

"Optimus" "Agent Fowler, is there a reason you're here" Team Prime circled around the agent even the children except the sad raf Just got a report that one of our extending branches reported to have been harboring a robot which they have been experimenting with" Optimus kept a straight face while the rest looked at each other, Ratchet was first to speak when silence continued "what do you mean experiments, what kind?" "That I do not know but I have confirmation that you can go check out the robot and if necessary we will relocate it here" "very well autobots-" "actually...only two can come" he hesitated "Ratchet you will accompany me to examine what the humans did to this cybertronian" Ratchet perked up nodding arcee went to the ground bridge "can we come?!" "No kids allowed, only Optimus and Ratchet" miko practically deflated but kept a defiant look on her face "fine!" She huffed. Arcee activated the ground bridge and the three walked through right before the ground bridge could close Miko ran through but her presence wasn't caught by the three.

                                             ****Mystic's p.o.v*****

 "Christopher you do know you're working overtime right now?" I moved around some label chemicals to their right spots "Yes I know but working with a brilliant mind such as yourself just makes me want to work more" "you best go home you wife will think your having an affair" "only with my job, but I guess you're right I'll head out" I chuckled lightly "aren't I always right" "okay don't get to cocky miss sunshine" playfully I stuck my tongue out as my human co-worker slid down the ladder leaving my work desk. There was slight commotion in the hallways which made me step out "you have no authorization to be here" I see a young teenager kicking "put me down-" "gentlemen please" I scoffed and they dropped her turning around "Commander!" They all lined up "what's all this commotion?" "A intruder" the young girl shrugged with a slight guilty smile "please she's just a baby, come here child" I held out my hand and she ran over jumping into it sticking her tongue out at the guards "now if you excuse me I have work to do. Please don't interrupt me again" I turned on my heels holding the child with both hands careful not to harm her. I placed her on my desk handing her a small lab coat and goggles "put these on" she did as she was told "you're a decepticon why are you so nice?" My mind went blank....What was a decepticon "I don't think I understand. Decepticon? Is that what humans refer to robots as?" Her face matched mine in confusion "a decepticon is a really mean robot" "honey, I'm not mean unless you push me over my limit. Oh and I go by Commander Mystic just call me Mystic" I gave a soft smile "I'm miko!" My metal heart almost turned to mush when she smiled, she glanced around my desk seeing all chemicals "whoa! Can you do any damage with this stuff?" "Yes but I think if you want to mess with anything we should start small" I scooped her up giving her gloves. I sat her next to a solid titanium square block, I gave her a rock that fit in snugly her palm "throw it at that block" she did but it bounced right off she gave a disappointed look "okay now" I mixed a few chemicals into a small vial putting a cork in it handing it to her "Toss this at the block then pick up the rock and chunk it like before" she brought her arm back chunking the vile at the metal block once it had impact the liquid froze over the block making it look like ice. Miko then picked up the rock tossing it at the block though this time it didn't bounce off it shattered it to pieces "That's so cool!" She tried to run over and pick up a price but I swiped her into my hands "No no no, don't touch. It will hurt you, here hold on" I got some tweezers picking up a small piece putting it in a fiberglass box sealing it before handing it to her, she pulled the goggles up to her forehead looking at the piece of broken metal "wicked" "we're planning to use them on enemy planes or choppers just chunk the vile and then it'll shatter" "who came up with this?" I swept up the leftovers tossing it in the garbage "You're looking at her" "really?" "Without my brain your human military would have never advanced this much-" "how long have you been here?" "24 years and counting!" "you look young"

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