Chapter 3

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"Heritage USA started out as a camp ground but quickly grew to be the 3rd most visited theme park in the world attracting over 6 MILLION visitors, Walt Disney World and Disneyland were the only 2 other parks ahead of Heritage USA during one point in the 80's. An indoor/outdoor mall area was called The Main Street Shoppes...Jim and Tammy Bakker also built a 500 room hotel but sadly was never completed, but they had this cool water park. After Heritage USA closed, the park ran for a few years after under the name Carolina Splash Water Park..." I stopped reading looking at the abandoned theme park I watched where I step to make sure my metal feet didn't crush any of the already crumbling buildings. I found a nice spot next to the castle where I sat leaning against the wall looking at the starry sky, I was well informed that the sword belonged only to a prime and that a prime couldn't be a decepticon, I sighed shifting in place, Ratchet has been trying to com-link me but I dissed everyone of them, Taking in a breath I began to sing softly. As I sang I couldn't help but think of the feeling the sword gave me...Alpha Trion gave me, he wasn't even there personally but the sword made it so clear he held disgust and hatred towards me as he relayed the message.

I brought my knees to my chest my gaze never left the stars, I stopped singing nuzzling my face into my legs "such a lovely voice don't you think knockout?" I jerked myself into a standing position my eyes locking onto Megatron he had his follower Knockout next to him "Yes it is my lord. Very pleasant, soft to the audio receptors" I turned to run but was met face to face with dreadwing, I took a few steps back surveying the sky "I wouldn't try to fly" I froze seeing megatron mere feet from me, one thing I didn't know before was two things were wrong with him. He had a different arm and a purple sword on his back "what's your name?" he began to circle me like prey I clenched my jaw glaring at him "oh now, no need for such a displeased face. It doesn't suit your lovely features" I was hesitant and I spoke softly "Mystic" he smiled "Mystic" he tested it out on his tongue. He stopped circling me standing beside me looking at the sky, I got a com-link call and without moving I accepted it muting ratchets side "Now Mystic, I want to know why you don't have the Star Saber" "I gave it to Optimus" he frowned "that wasn't what I asked" He wasn't here to kill me or he would have already done it "Because it didn't belong to me-" knockout was quick to interject "if my optics betrayed me, Optimus couldn't no matter how hard he tried pull out the star saber. It was you who pulled the sword" the decepticon medic held his chin coming extremely close scanning my features "yes and I was also the one who fucked up your ship, and if you get to close I'll do the same to you" I growled Megatron stood facing me behind me knockout stood watching "you say it wasn't yours?" megatron began again "what makes you so sure?" "I'm no prime" my eyes glanced at my insignia then to the ground "as I was informed....I'm far from it" he laughed, I lifted my head seeing him stop with a grin plastered on his face"then join your true team. The decepticons!" "I will not" his smile faltered "decepticons fall back, I wish to speak to Mystic alone" I swallowed hard seeing them leave through a ground bridge. Megatron stepped forward and I took two back "you don't need to worry, I'm not planning to hurt you" it didn't matter to me, he kept coming closer and I kept backing up until I hit the castle wall with a loud thunk. I gripped the back of my head that hit the wall, megatron suddenly slammed his new fist next to my head causing me to let out a short scream in fear, using his other hand he took my chin in his grip forcing me to look upwards at him "tell me, what keeps you bound to the autobots. Was it a vow or perhaps it's a mate?" "Neither" his thumb caressed my cheek "then what is it?" "...My son" he stared into my serious expression "well if that is the only thing that binds you, I am looking for a heir" I could feel bile rise up "I would never let my son near your crew" "think about it Mystic" he purred as his new hand went to my waist "You could be my queen. The queen of the decepticons" I disconnected ratchet's com-link not answering the ones that followed, I put my hands against megatrons chest trying to push him away but I was obviously failing "You carry yourself like a true leader. You shouldn't be taking orders from Optimus, you should be giving them your own. You have such beauty! I would be lying if I said I wasn't completely enchanted" faintly, very faintly I could hear a ground bridge "Is that what drives you? My beauty" I scowled trying to push him away once again but this time his hand that was holding my face grabbed one of my hands holding it past his helm which made me reluctantly so close that our breaths were intertwined and he looked dead into my eyes with a lust filled expression "Many femme's wouldn't hesitate to be in your place-" "and which place is that? Being harassed?" he chuckled darkly "to be the future mate of the decepticon leader" my stomach dropped "I would never agree to be your mate" his grip on my hand tightened and I winced "You best accept while it's still an offer" was he saying he was going to try and take me forcibly? Out of complete fear I slammed my forehead into his face once he loosened his grip I yanked myself free feeling another hand come through the wall wrapping around my mouth phazing me through the wall. I kicked wildly "it's just us!" Smokescreen released his grip dropping me to the ground I could barely see arcee making a 'be quiet' emotion, I narrowed my eyes trying to get them to focus on being inside the dark castle. Smokescreen, arcee and I stayed low to the ground kinda huddled together "You can not hide Mystic! I will find you and you will give me an answer" Megatrons voice rumbled from the outside "I will retreat for now, but we will meet again" another ground bridge sounded through the thick walls along with fading footsteps. We waited thirty minutes before Smokescreen phazed us out of the castle onto level ground arcee let out a shaky breath bringing her finger up to her ear "We got her send a ground bridge" I avoided all eye contacted when I walked into the base going over to where the kids would usually be but weren't "that...was disturbing to hear" bulkhead spoke his mind "I know right? Mystic's mine, everyone should know that" Smokescreen responded. I didn't respond like I normally would I just picked up a red cover that hyperburn slept in not to long ago when we watched movies with miko and jack, a small smile appeared but dissolved a little too fast for anyone's liking "you don't think she's actually thinking about it do you?" bulkhead tried to whisper, my eyes scanned the kids area and I came across the glass box with miko's metal shard "she wouldn't...would she?" I felt terrified...trapped...alone. Thinking one thing It'd be better if I didn't cause anyone trouble for sharing my feelings.

Few hours later I positioned myself by ratchets computer doing formulas, the base was silent Optimus didn't want me to be alone so I'm sure that someone would be watching but I wasn't sure. Stopping with the formulas I pulled up my video where hyperburn was being taking away, rewinding it to where I put him in the cradle I paused the screen I saw the little baby hyperburn look me directly in the eyes still chewing on his fist. It felt like I swallowed a splinter, I hunched over the desk resting my head on the edge tears started to trickle. I went to the floor feeling my throat burn I began to weep softly, footsteps came over and arcee hugged me she was way smaller than me but she tried to hug me the best way possible "I stupidly-ly told him I had a son now he's going to look for him" I hiccuped sniffling in a breath "I-i want to protect hyper, I'm trying so hard to make the right ch-choices...I can't risk losing him again" arcee pulled me into her chest trying to console me. When I stopped I ended up being in my berth with the lights off, arcee said I should take a break and rest. I turned on my side feeling absolutely horrible.

****3rd person p.o.v*****

Arcee only slept a few hours before she got up going into the main room where surprisingly everyone was except for Mystic "couldn't sleep either?" she asked and they turned to her bumblebee beeped "she didn't say anything per say" she leaned against the wall with everyone's attention "what do you mean?" Arcee looked at optimus with a sad expression "She emotionally collapsed, I'm use to seeing her so strong the only emotion that shown was anger or love to hyperburn. S-she literally broke down in tears right in front of me, she held onto me like a scared sparkling. She said how she's trying her best to make the right decisions to protect her child" Arcee shook her head lightly "Optimus...she is so broken" Optimus looked saddened and smokescreen spoke "I can't imagine her crying...she's so...upbeat" "maybe that's what she wanted us to believe?" everyone looked to bulkhead and he shrugged "No, Mystic has been with us for a long time her emotions are true" Optimus stated "maybe I pushed her over by making those jokes" "I bet that would have caused it" arcee narrowed her eyes crossing her arms over her chest "i-I didn't think she'd take it personally!" he raised his hands. There was silence and optimus went over to ratchets computer, the computer came to life with a video paused, Mystic's sparkling was frozen on the screen his eyes were filled with wonderment while he had his hand in his mouth "You all know what megatron plans to do" optimus turned away from the computer "and it was my fault that the star saber was broken, I'm sure if Mystic had wielded the sword that we would have had a different outcome than we had today" "but optimus I don't understand, why was she able to pull out the Star saber and not you?" ratchet was beaten for an answer "I believe that Mystic holds something within her, something greater than anything we could possibly comprehend" "greater than a prime?" smokescreen popped in and optimus nodded "I'm afraid so" "what could possibly be greater than a Prime?" arcee asked "a god" everyone turned to ratchet who held a serious expression "no offense ratchet but how could a god come from cybertron as a sparkling and coexist here on earth without finding out if they have powers?" bulkhead cut in and ratchet pushed himself off looking at optimus "One out of two possibilities. She doesn't know herself or...she has been keeping a very well hidden secret" this hurt the medic to say since he has felt attracted to the femme he could tell that she had attracted the attention of the young smokescreen and now megatron has his optics out for her. Ratchet had made a silent vow when she joined that he would protect her like she is his sparkmate.

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