Chapter 4

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(Mystic's P.o.v)

I awoke with a small headache but brushed it off taking in a breath, my feet took me in front of my mirror. I didn't look to bad, I could just pull it off that I was slightly tired "Another day" my voice was quiet. I walked to my door taking a final deep breath before exiting into the hallways. Cheerful laughter was radiating from he main room "What's going on?" I walked into the room seeing the bumblebee and bulkhead trying to play twister with painted on circles on the ground "Twister!" Hyper smiled and it made me do the same a warm feeling enveloping my chest "Right foot green!" Miko called out before cheering on bulkhead and hyper cheered on Bee. Bulkhead tried to maneuver himself under bee but her lost balanced crashing down capturing bee under him. Bumblebee whirred widely pushing bulkhead off "Sorry bee, lost balance" Bulkhead rolled off helping bee off who huffed brushing himself off "Mom! You next" Hyper bounced in place. I walked over standing in the area where the circles were painted "...I'll do it!" smokescreen came over and I huffed rolling my eyes. I was doing this for hyper "Okay! Right hand yel-" the base shook, alarm blared and I scooped up the kids holding them against my chest "What's happenin-" near the entrance of the base there was a heavy explosion blowing everyone including me backwards. I banged my head against the wall a pain fueling to my headache. I kept the children clutched to my chest "Well, well, well" a sickly voice drew my attention. Megatron with his disturbing new arm clutched optimus's throat hoisting him into the air. My eyes scanned the burning room but everyone was having their own struggles of getting up "Megatron" Optimus tried to stand but megatron with his new sword plunged it into optimus rib-cage "No!" Ratchet called out before knockout stunned him. Megatrons eyed locked with mine, I scrambled keeping the whimpering kids close "ah mystic" he cooed grinning. His teeth seemed more sharp, more deadly "Stay back!" I yelled taking a fighting stance. This only made him smile more "I said I'd find you, now what is your answer" "It's still no! My son will never join your ranks" he raised his brow bringing out the sword running his fingers against the sharp sides "You indeed could say that" his eyes went from mine to my chest. My eyes followed his and I screamed at the sighted. In my grip all three children laid bloodied covered in bit of the explosion, I never checked if they had gotten hit! I lightly placed them on the ground scanning for signals. None "No, no, no! Hyper! Please. Please. Please!" I lightly brushed the hair that covered his for head he had a huge gash across forehead it was so bad I could see the frontal lobe bone "Hyper!" tears were running down my cheeks in a steady flow, I scooped him up holding him close. My spark was breaking, I could feel it slowly withering away in my chest "On second thought, I don't think I want the future queen of my army to by known to given birth to such a low-life being" I looked up to see megatron raise the sword and before I had time to even scream he brought it down.

My body lurched up my heart was pounding at an alarming rate, my breaths were uneven. I looked around to see I was in my room. I swung my legs off the side going to a standing position yet my legs gave out, my body was heading for the floor and I reached out for my desk but when I hit the ground so did it. I clutched my chest feeling my heart not slowing. I needed to calm down! If anything it was increasing, Why?! Just breath! My mind was racing and I was trying to breath calmly but every time I inhaled it was short hiccup like breaths "Mystic" Arcee came in placing her hand on my lower back "Let's get you back into bed?" I tried to stand but I could feel my limbs numbing away. What was happening to me? I'm scared! I took a step back but my other foot didn't come with instead it sent me toppling landing on my rear and my back against the edge of my bed, My eyes were locked solely in front of me even when arcee popped her head into view "mystic what's wrong" I tried to speak but nothing was coming out just more hiccup like breaths as I inhaled "Mystic you're gonna have to breath okay?" Arcee brushed my forehead her fingers felt awfully cold "Guys! I need help in here!" she yelled looking at the door briefly. Her blue eyes returned to mine and she cupped my cheeks "Mystic, can you speak?" I'm understanding what she was saying but why couldn't I form words! Heavy foot steps came into the room "What's wrong?" "She's freaking out!" ratchet's face came into view. I wanted to see hyper. I just wanted to see my son. Ratchet placed his fingers on my neck and his other hands palm on my forehead, I could feel my mouth moving trying to form words. My chest felt like someone was pressing down on it "hy-" I panted trying to stay focused on making me talk was extremely hard. Everything I was able to muster up the energy I could feel the back of my mind tingling as if it was trying to make me forget the word"h-h-h-hype....hy....p-per" my ears were ringing so loud I couldn't tell it I said it correctly "Bumblebee go fetch hyperburn, tell him it's an emergency" Optimus's voice must have been near my doorway. Breath mystic! Every thing is fine! My chest felt like more pressure was being added, it felt like I couldn't breath. My head lurched back, my eyes were now focused on my ceiling. I gasped for a single intake of air my right hand slinging down on what ever was to my right which was ratchet's chest armor "This is bad! Clear the way!" he picked me up and I could feel that same tingle creeping up on me fuzzing my mind, numbing my senses. It was like watching the t.v turn off. How the rims of my eyes were the first to start fading, the darkness making it's way to the center of my vision before it was lights out the same numbness that was tingling at my brain was now washed over my body. 

I felt like I was floating.

I was floating, in mid-air. Everything around me was white as a sheet of paper "Hello?" my voice echoed like I was in a cave "Hello?!" I said louder but only got the echo of my voice in return. I couldn't moved in any direction I just was floating in the same space or at least what I think is the same space. There was no way to tell if I was moving or not. I continued to look everywhere but nothing. Holding my hand over my check I checked my heartbeat, I waited, and waited, and I waited for a single thump but nothing happened. With a couple of blinks in registered in my mind I didn't have a heartbeat, I pinched myself but nothing happened. No pain. Was I dead? No, I couldn't be. This place is no where near heaven. My body was cold except a extremely small warm spot on my chest, not in it. Yet on it. I ran my hands to the small warm patch, it was the only warmth I felt. My cheeks felt wet and with one spare hand I whipped under my eye seeing I was crying but why? I didn't feel sad. I don't think here I could feel sad. I balled myself into a ball keeping my hands over that small warm area letting the tears I could not control fall freely around me, they too did not fall to the ground but stayed in the air beside me. Staying in the little ball I could only hear myself breath...Then I heard it. Two faint thumps. I waited and heard them again but more loudly, the I began to feel it thumps in my chest"My heartbeat!" why was I just now getting a heartbeat? I spread out my body of how I would normally stand. There was no making sense of this, there was a temperature rise where that small patch was on my chest "what are you?" my hands clutched that small area and I stayed still closing my eyes hearing my heartbeat thrum in a pattern "mom" my eyes opened and I looked around the white room. I spun around looking for the source. It sounded a lot like "Mom!" "Hyper!?" I called out whipping my head around expecting to see my human sons face somewhere. Anywhere. I wanted to see him, the pressure was back on my chest and it was getting difficult for me to breath. Again with this nonsense!? The pressure increased to where it hurt, I closed my eyes if that'd help with the pain taking in a deep breath warmth rushing over my body. My ears rang with a loud monotone bell, when I opened my eyes the room had color which meant where ever I was. I wasn't anymore "Mom!" my ears cleared up and I could hear hyperburns distressed calls, I tried to lift up my legs and hands but I was tied down "She's back!" ratchets voice hummed in my head. I heard Hypers cries in the room, with a small amount of force I ripped off the binds that held me to the table "Mystic!? Optimus! Help me hold her, She busted the restraints!" ratchet grabbed my arm and I saw optimus came in front of me pushing my shoulders down trying to put me back on the examining table. Even though I could hard feel my limbs I was still able I knock optimus and ratchet loose. Optimus was knocked down and I wobbled to a stand hearing hypers cry from the other room "Mystic you need to stay down" Optimus once again was up holding onto both of my shoulders. I grabbed his wrist glaring into his blue eyes. My grip tightened and his eyes went from me to his wrist no doubt I was inflicting pain "Bumblebee bring in Hyper" my grip loosened when my head turned to the hallway where bumblebee held my son. Tears were running down his face, my legs were still wobbly when I tried to step out "Bring him over here" Optimus grabbed my waist and with one easy move he picked me up in the air sitting me on the examining table "want me to give her a paralysis-" Optimus saw how my head whipped around "That wont be necessary" Bee's footsteps started to come in my direction and it gain my vision back "Mom! Are you alright?" Optimus held me sitting up even I knew I could fall forward "wh-why you....crying" at first it was hard to get my word out like I was heavily medicated on relaxers. He wiped his tears away. Bee moved him closer to me and placed him in my lap, I stared down at him using my heavy arm to brush his hair away "it seems that your strength has increased double, and so has your senses" I slowly looked over my shoulder to see ratchet at his computer looking at my scans. There were many colors swarming in areas of my body. Arms, legs, and chest. Though the color in my chest was different from the ones in my arms and legs "the bond between you and hyper had seemed to materialize and that's what brought you back-" "me...back?" Hyper had finished crying and he curled against my abdomen. Ratchet turned his eyes locking with mine in a serious manner "Mystic. You flatlined" "nah" a short laugh escaped my lips at his nonsense. I looked to optimus who nodded "Ratchet speaks the truth" "you had a panic attack that led into a seizure strong enough to stop your spark...mystic you have been offline for 43 hours" my eyes went to hyper in my his eyes were slightly puffy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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