Catch me I'm Stealing! Part I

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A/N: Greetings readers, I present to you the winner of the raffle and that is Thief! Sherwin and Police! Jonathan AU. Sorry for those who have voted for the Prince and Mermaid AU, but I have already started on this story line after a certain time when this AU won the petition on the date the voting time expires. I'm pretty confident this AU won legally in the voting pool. In any case, I'll put up the The Prince and Mermaid AU in the next voting pool again if you guys wanted that story line happen. But right now I present you'll this wonderful, long ass fanfiction. This was challenging one, it took me a long time to write and make a AU that would flow at the very least, to me, is good. I tried thinking of a good plot line for this story over and over but in the end of all my drafts this was by far the most interesting concept for me to write. 

And this is gonna be a two-parter story, because after finishing this part of the story, I'm gonna need are load on my BL imagination storage.

This story contains some matured/smutty content. I considered the type of relationship I made for them, their age and social standing that screams very BL. It's the first time I'm writing with this kind of scenes and hopefully goes well without too much trouble.


This includes the following:

1. Explicit sexual/smutty content

2. A lot of Swearing

3. A bit of Violence

4. And yes, I'm into slightly older men having younger boyfriends troupe so tada! There is a bit on an Age gap between them but not too much to be illegal. I wrote this in case, cuz some of you'll might get a shocker. And, by shocker I mean sensitive to this kind of content.



Part I: First Encounter

-Paris, France 8:49 PM- 03/19/2021

"There! There he is!!" I looked down at the sight of the combined force of the French police department and the Americans as lights beamed up at me like a reversed spotlight.

Though one, in particular, caught my attention. I locked my eyes hard on a black-haired guy, he was tanned and have a muscular built to him. Even from this height, I can feel the glare coming from him, I scowled at that before rolling my eyes.

I stood up, and tied the diamond-filled pouch on my utility belt, and grabbed the thin cable wire wrapped around a pole at the edge of the building.

"How can I make this fun?" I thought as I let myself fall off the top of this twenty-four-storied building.

Screams and gasps fill my ears from the crowd gathering around the scene. People out with their phones pointed high up taking pictures and videos. The news team I spotted, probably the local news network, that had set up near the scene have captured and have been reporting the whole event from the start till now. All of them have gathered here just to see my performance, it would be a sin to disappoint them.

Although this isn't one of my best tricks, they are already this amazed? Oh, how I enjoy Paris, so easy to please.

Focusing on the task at hand, I ignored the blinding flashes and focused every inched of me on that hunk in uniforms.

As I fall closer to the ground, the officers near my landing spot immediately steered cleared from it but he didn't move. And against all logic, he seemed to placed himself directly beneath me with his hands in the air. Was he trying to catch me?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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