Sierra and Catarina go to Grandma Whisk's house ( Catarina's grandmother ) and they find out about a crystal ball. The crystal ball and " switch people ". But the matter gets worse when Sierra and Catarina break the ball and reveal the magic. The...
"Catarina honey, can you get the door?" came Catarina's mother's voice from the kitchen.
"O-Kay!" exclaimed Catarina. She ran to the door and swung it open. Sierra was there, like usual, waiting for her.
"Oh, hi, Catarina, so... anyways can I come in and hang out with you?" asked Sierra.
"I would love to, only that I have to go to my Grandma Whisk's. I'll be back in a couple hours," said Catarina.
"A couple hours? I can't wait that long!" complained Sierra.
"Well, you could come with me, I mean it's not that bad or anything," said Catarina, hesitantly, rubbing her chin.
"Sure, let me call my mom," said Sierra. Sierra speed dialed her mom's phone number, a few minutes later she ended the call and spoke to Catarina again.
"Well, sure!"
"Oh that's great! And since the car ride is a long way I can tell you all about her!" exclaimed Catarina.
"Sounds great," Sierra said sarcastically, but she was thinking, Yeah we'll probably be talking about her dentures.
When they got in the car with Catarina's parents Catarina started to talk about Grandma Whisk.
"So she's very nice and guess what? She doesn't wear dentures!," said Catarina.
"Oh wow, um is there anything special about her that I need to know?, " said Sierra.
"Well... um. Grandma Whisk believes in psychic and taro cards and crystal balls and that sort of stuff," Catarina explained.
"Was she the one who gave you the goofy cat ears?," asked Sierra.
Catarina blushed the color of her dress. "When I was just a baby, when I was just born, my mum was so excited to see me. She said I looked like a perfect darling and stuff-most babies are bald, pink, and ugly-but, not to brag, I wasn't like that. My mom was overly enthusiastic, I guess you could sort of say, optimistic for my future and stuff. She called her mother, my Grandma Whisk over, right away to the hospital. Just as Dad and Mum were about to name me Catharine-and don't interrupt!-Grandma Whisk came in, she had a gift for me, a crystal ball. She shouldn't have, but, who can blame her? She accidentally dropped it and stuff, and it gave me cat ears. Mum was very upset, she begged Grandma Whisk to find a cure. She still hasn't-but what can we do about it? My name, is, as you know, Catarina. I know, because of my cat ears....I'm not that attractive, but.....I used to be..." Catarina gray eyes welled up, then added angrily, "She didn't give me cat ears-it wasn't her intention. Why can't you just-"
"Sorry! I can't help it, but, Catarina, I have to tell you something," said Sierra with a worried glance.
"Um, okay, you can tell me," said Catarina, starting to look worried too.
"Well....since you're the new girl at school everybody thinks you're all freaky and stuff with your cat ears....And they all call you Cat Queen!" Sierra spat out, angrily.
"Oh!" said Catarina, blinking back tears. "Do you call me that?"
"No, no, but it's really okay," said Sierra.
Catarina looked a little pissed at first but then she calmed down.
"Do you want to know something cool about Grandma Whisk?" she said.
"Oh sure, what else you've got? No offence, but all this stuff is boring," exclaimed Sierra.
"Um... none taken? Well you can say that Grandma Whisk has this cool crystal ball-I mean REALLY cool. It doesn't tell the future of course but like she says that legend says that it has this cool magic that can "switch people". The crystal ball has been passed down for many generations and nobody has figured out what it exactly means," explained Catarina.
"WOooooww," Sierra said.
"Okay girls we're there," interrupted Mr. Faye, grinning.
"Get your coats and lets go," said Mrs. Faye.
Grandma Whisk had salt and pepper hair. She lived in an apartment-no surprise there.
"Hello, my dear Catarina, and who's that?," asked Grandma Whisk, in her usual, warm, friendly tone.
"Um.... that's my friend Sierra Silveron," said Catarina.
"Oh? Well, nice to meet you, Sierra dear," replied Grandma Whisk.
"Um, hi, Grandma Whisk. Catarina told me you have some kind of crystal ball with some sort of ancient magic," Sierra said.
"Ah, yes," said Grandma Whisk, "you may see it, if you'd like."
The crystal ball was a light pink and had a picture of a shiny and creepy eye on it that made it mysterious.
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