Sierra and Catarina go to Grandma Whisk's house ( Catarina's grandmother ) and they find out about a crystal ball. The crystal ball and " switch people ". But the matter gets worse when Sierra and Catarina break the ball and reveal the magic. The...
"You were great out there," began Sierra, hugging her best friend.
"Thanks," Catarina said, "and you too."
"Although, why did you insult yourself?" asked Sierra.
"Just a little humor, and I kind of wanted to get that out. It really hurted me that way," explained Catarina, placing her hands behind her back.
"Now," said Sierra, triumphantly, as she pushed Catarina into an empty classroom, "you can tell me everything!"
"What do you mean?" asked Catarina, looking bewildered.
"ABOUT THE DATE, DON'T BE DUMB, CATARINA! WHAT ELSE WOULD IT BE? NOW, BE SPECIFIC, AND TELL ME EVERYTHING!" exploded Sierra, literally sputtering out those words.
"Well....sure," Catarina started, timidly, "so, I tried real hard to act like Sierra. But, I have to admit, I couldn't help being polite, and acting like myself a little....."
"What else?"
"At the end....well, we had a kiss?"
"YOU SPOILED MY REPUTATION, CATARINA! YOU REALLY DID! WHY WOULD I BE POLITE TO, AND, OH MY GOSH! A KISS!" Sierra looked murderous, especially ready to punch Catarina. Then she calmed down and said, "It's okay anyways thanks for doing my job."
"Back to you Sierra," Catarina whispered, backing away timidly, looking empathetic.
"But first things first, I'm telling Titus! I mean he probably was surprised at that!" said Sierra, brightening, then added, "Thank you for kissing him, Catarina. Now I can make a fool of him. That'll show that-"
"But Sierra, you shouldn't, he wouldn't believe you and will start thinking you're a jerk or something," Catarina interrupted, crossing her arms, and flashing her gray eyes threateningly.
Sierra gave a long hard stare at Catarina. Catarina stopped flashing her eyes and shuddered.
"Sorry Catarina," said Sierra, "it was your fault, and you're going to get what you deserved."
Catarina nodded miserably.
"Sorry Catarina, I've got to----I'll get back to you later." and she slammed the door.
Catarina felt worried.
Sierra approached Titus.
Titus grinned broadly. "Hey, beauty, you were fantastic!"
"Shut up, you idiot," Sierra snapped, then she cooled down, "Anyways, our date was really weird, and..."
Titus shrugged. "I had a good time, you had a good time, who cares?"
"You're a total idiot, Titus Tireson! That wasn't me! Catarina and I switched bodies!" shrieked Sierra, kicking him in the stomache.
"W-hat?" said Titus like he couldn't hear a thing.
Sierra explained the whole thing from the beginning to the end.
After hearing that, Titus was beyond shocked.-he was astonished that he had been so dumb not to notice....
"Are you saying I kissed Cat Queen?" he spluttered.
Sierra nodded sincerely.
"Oh. My. Gosh. Next time I'm going to ask who it really is!" exclaimed Titus, covering his mouth like he wanted to cough.
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"Ugh why do you even LIKE ME?" Sierra exclaimed, gritting her teeth, and hoping to put an end to this.
"Well I-" Titus stammered. His heart sank. What he really wanted was Sierra to say......
"Lalalalala! I can't hear you! Just shut up please," said Sierra.
"Okay," said Titus, taking a deep breath and exhaling, "but I really like hanging out with you, so....
"Fine!" screamed Sierra, smoke coming out of her ears, literally. "Just don't have any marriage plans!"
Titus felt good and Sierra darted out the door to meet Catarina.
Catarina and Sierra went home together although they owed one more apology to someone else.
The next day both girls were at Grandma Whisk's house.
" I'm so sorry Grandma Whisk!" Catarina cried, throwing her arms around her grandma.
"Yeah, like what she said," said Sierra, "and we didn't mean it. Good friends can have fights."
" It's okay, my dears! You girls have solved this very problem here and..........uh..," said Grandma Whisk, "I have a surprise."
"WHAT?!" both girls said in unision.
" I've researched something amazing about you girls. Sierra, do you have a great-great aunt?" said Grandma Whisk.
"Uh, yeah....but she died. Aunt Mariel or was it Aunt Purla?"
"Um...well, I researched about your ancestor and you have amazing powers, Sierra, you haven't discovered them yet. It's the power of 'flexibility'."
"Yes, you have the power in your blood. Although the problem is, I'm still researching about that. We do not know how to activate it yet," said Grandma Whisk.
Sierra's smile was wide, although Catarina felt a little sad.
"Sierra this, and Sierra that!" Catarina cried. "When did anyone care about me and my cat ears?! If I'd have knew, I wouldn't bother coming!"
"Good gracious! Dear, I meant what I said. I have a surprise for you both! Did you not hear me, Catty? Sierra, that's her nickname sometimes. You have the abilities of a cat! There is some hidden power that you can evolve to a full cat and have the amazing abilities. Any breed any size no matter what!" explained Grandma Whisk, patiently.
"Grandma Whisk," breathed Catarina, she felt joy running through her veins, "that's simply spectacular! Th-"
"However," Sierra interrupted, "we don't know anything to activate them."
"It will take many days to do that of course. Although I will continue to do my research, my dears!" said Grandma Whisk.