Sierra and Catarina go to Grandma Whisk's house ( Catarina's grandmother ) and they find out about a crystal ball. The crystal ball and " switch people ". But the matter gets worse when Sierra and Catarina break the ball and reveal the magic. The...
"Oh wow, Grandma Whisk, that looks amazingly cool!," exclaimed Sierra.
"Why, thank you! I still haven't figured out the problem with the magic. I feel terribly bad for Catarina and of course this crystal ball wouldn't work!" explained Grandma Whisk.
"Grandma, is it okay if we go to the guest room and try to check out the crystal ball?" asked Catarina.
"Indeed my dear," Grandma Whisk, then she turned to Mr and Mrs. Faye.
"Would you like me to make you a sandwich?"
"Ohhh-what is this place?" asked Sierra, awestruck.
"It's the guest room, Grandpa is you know...passed away.. Anyways, when my parents and I come here we like to sleep here and stay over but ... not today," explained Catarina, with a matter-of-fact tone.
"Okay? Just let me see that crystal ball you're holding!-It looks like it needs a deeper look," Sierra said.
"Hold on, let me get a napkin," replied Catarina, scrambling up.
"Oh!-so you don't trust me now? Gee, what am I going to do? Give you a cat tail or something?" Sierra said, sarcastically. She grabbed the crystal ball out of Catarina's hands.
"Hey-you stop it! You're going to drop it!" yelled Catarina, her gray eyes widening. She grabbed the crystal ball out of Sierra's hands.
In the next minutes the girls had a bit of "tug of war".
Sierra and Catarina were both pulling the crystal ball.
" What are you doing, you know nothing about magic!"
" Neither do you, dummy, give me it," said Sierra.
"I do-I've been visiting Grandma Whisk since I was four! Every month-or writing! I've heard magical stories about fairies, witches, wizards, tree nymphs. I've-give that here! I've learned how to read crystal balls-the ones that predict the future-I've...." Catarina pulled harder.
"I don't care!-you shut up!" screamed Sierra.
Sierra pulled the crystal ball out of Catarina's hands, Catarina tried to pull it out of Sierra's hand and the crystal ball dropped. The eye on the crystal ball dropped out and purple sparkly powder poured out and swept the room.
" W-What happened?," said Catarina, then she looked at her outfit.
" Ugh, what the heck! These clothes are so stupid and ugly and stupid and ugly, I'm outta here and changing Catarina!"
Sierra took a long glance at herself and gave a soft scream.
"Oh no what is wrong with my outfit? I gotta get some makeup!," Sierra reached into her pockets.
"Oh no! No eyeshadow, not even a lipstick? Oh Sierra get me something!," said Sierra.
"No way," said Catarina," Gee what's happening here? Can we go home now? I need my sneakers!"
Few hours later, Mr and Mrs. Faye told the girls to go home and say goodbye to Grandma Whisk.
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