designated • driver

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a/n : a michael pov switch since i never like to switch povs (': enjoy (also set like 4 months after the whole play thing went down)


I walked into the party with a couple of excited girls trailing behind me. This was the second party of the night, and the girls were already hammered.

I'd suggested that they made sure they didn't lose each other, which in their heads meant to lock arms and hold onto the back of my hoodie, walking in a single file line. I heard two of them giggling about something behind me as I pushed through people.

One thing I'd learned about drunk girls is that they think everything is hilarious. I mean everything.

Maya (who is supposed to be u! just had to point that out sorry) was grabbing onto my hood, and was followed by Brooke, Isabelle, and Natalie. Brooke was closest to Maya, and Isabella and Natalie had just joined their friend group.

Brooke tended to call me the "big brother" of the group, which I kind of enjoyed until I realized it put me in the position of being Designated Driver.

I could have some to drink, and was already pretty good at driving while high, so it wasn't much of a big deal for me - especially since each girl payed me 20 in gas money at the beginning of the night.

But babysitting wasn't my strong point, especially when all four of your babysitees were scattered throughout a single house with about fifty or sixty other people.

It was a second before I'd realized that Maya was no longer tugging on my hoodie, and was stumbling over by the keg, giggling helplessly. She looked so precious when she smiled. Her eyes crinkled a little at the corners, and it was adorable.

I finally snapped out of my daze and realized that Maya, Brooke, Natalie, and Isabelle were indeed, gone.

I groaned to myself before gasping quietly, a half-full cup being shoved into my hand. I looked up at the person who did so - none other than Jakey D.

"Hey, man." He grinned, gently patting my back. I replied with a smile
and said, "Hey! Didn't expect to see you at a party that you weren't throwing."

He shrugged, "Yeah, I need a break from being the awesome party planner every once in a while. It's nice to lay back and just be the partier."

I nodded in understanding, looking around him to see if I could find any of the girls. I had to at least keep a close eye on them, especially Maya.

"Looking for someone?" Jake rose his eyebrow, causing me to look up at him. "Maya, I suppose?"

"W-well..yeah..her and three other shitfaced girls." I frowned, offering him a shrug of my own. "I'm designated driver."

"Oh, gotcha. Well, I did see Brooke and Maya heading out to the pool deck." Jake smiled before patting my back again and wishing me good luck. I sighed in slight relief that now I at least had a lead.

It was pretty easy to get through the crowd, considering that 50 people at a party was pretty small, especially for a house of this size. I slipped through the sliding glass porch doors and looked around to see Maya and Brooke.


In just their bras and panties.

My eyes widened as I gazed at them - especially Maya. But I quickly scolded myself and hurried over to the side of the pool, grabbing Maya's and Brooke's dresses from the ground and grabbing both of their hands, trying to coax them down from the diving board.

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