The Shooketh Awards

62 5 3

Host: shookethexistence


First Place


-Will be added to the fist place reading list

-10 comments and votes on a book of your choosing

-a follow

-a shoutout for their book and account

Second place


-will be added to the second place reading list

-5 comments and votes on a book of your choosing

-a follow

Third place


-will be added to the third place reading list

-3 comments and votes on a book of your choosing

-a follow

Honorable mention

-will be added to the honorable mention reading list

-a banner


-banner or a shoutout


1. You must follow the account to enter

2. Don't be rude to anyone, whether another participant or judge

3. You must tag at least three people in your form

4. You must add the awards book to your reading list for the duration of the contest

5. Add #shookethawards to your book (optional)

6. You may not enter more than one book per category

7. Please, inline comment your form

8. Each book should have a different form

9. Read rule number 5 on the rules page to receive the password.

10. The book must have 3 chapters, except for Short Stories (Excluding Author's Notes)

11. Book must be in English

12. Book cannot have over 100k views.

13. Books with mature scenes will be accepted, but not books only containing mature content

14. Only 15 entries will be accepted for each category, with the exception of poetry and short story which will have 20

15. You can be both a participant and a judge, but you can't judge the category that your book is in.

16. There must be at least 5 books submitted for it to be judged.

Rules for Judges

1. You must give a weekly report of your judging status

2. There will be two judges for each category.

3. You must not be rude to any other judge or participant

4. This book must be added to your reading list

5. Check the rules here for password instructions

6. You must tag at least 3 people in your form

7. Each judge is allowed to only judge for more than two categories

8. If the judging spaces for each category do not have at least one judge, the categories without a judge will be judged by the host

Genres Accepted

Fan fiction
General Fiction
Werewolf  [Full for judges]
Short Story
Science Fiction
Teen Fiction

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