The Seraph Awards

38 1 2

Host: Project-Seraph


First place

-a sticker
-A follow from the account
-book will be added to the winner's reading list
-a shoutout
-book will be showcased in Winner's book
-a detailed review on the first 10 chapters of your book

Second place
-a sticker
-a follow from the account
-will be added to the winner's reading list
-a shoutout
-book will be showcased in the Winner's book

Third place
-a sticker
-a follow from the account
-book will be added to winner's reading list
-a shoutout
-book will be showcased in the Winner's book

Honorable mention
-a sticker
-a follow
-a shoutout

Other categories

1. Follow the account 

2. Add the award book to your library and public reading list

3. Only books in English

4. Your book should have at least 3 chapters to enter

5. Fanfiction and Non fiction will not be accepted.
Check here for the password

6. Do not be rude.

7. You are allowed to enter a maximum of two books

8. Participants must follow the judges of their genre

Rules for Judges
1. Must follow the account

2. You can't judge a category that you're entered in

3. Judge books according to the judging criteria

4. Please do not take bribes and don't show favoritism

Genres Accepted



Fantasy [Full for Judges and Participants]

General Fiction

Historical Fiction


Humor  [Full for Judges. Participants needed]

Mystery/Thriller [Full for Judges. Participants needed]


Poetry [Full for participants. Judges needed]

Romance [Full for Judges and Participants]

Science Fiction

Short Story [Full for Judges and Participants]


Teen Fiction [Full for Judges and Participants]



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