Hanging out

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You are laid on your bed casually with your (h/c) hair draped over the edge of the bed, your phone a few inches from your face scrolling through social media. You roll onto your stomach and look over at your boyfriend Kyle who is sat on the bed too. He's so cute, you can't help but admire him as he does his homework. His golden, curly, ginger locks fall softly on his forehead poking out of his green hat. Your eyes trail from the curls on his forehead down to his piercing, green eyes, they flick from side to side scanning the pages of his textbook. He's adorably engrossed in his homework and you can't help but smile as you watch. You slide your foot across the bed and gently tap his back with your pointed toes, straining as your stretch in effort to get his attention. He turns around, breaking his concentration and smiles when his eyes meet yours. He puts a hand on the ankle of the foot you just poked him with and briefly strokes it. "Whats up, asshole?" he grins as he switches positions to face you completely, disregarding his homework. "I'm boreddddd" you whimper, slightly pouting your lip before breaking into a giggle. He budges closer before lazily dragging his hat of his head revealing his huge fro of locks. "What do you want me to do about that then, Y/N?"

KYLE X READER [South Park] NSFW/LEMON WARNINGWhere stories live. Discover now