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You slide off the bed and jump to your feet, looking down at the sheepish boy. He looks up at you with his big green eyes and manages to bring himself to speak. "Well, only if you'd want to, both of us are completely new to this kind of thing and I wouldn't want to rush you into anything you don't wanna do..." He stands up too, slightly towering you by a few inches, "Well, because...I love you..." A warm feeling comes over you and a smile grows on your face from cheek to cheek. You reach to his hands and interlock them with yours, holding them to your cheecks, you both smile. "I love you too, Kyle," you break your hands away from his and throw yourself into his chest, wrapping your arms around him. You hear his heartbeat through his open coat and feel his soft curls land on your face as he rests his head on yours, "I am ready for this, I know I want to experience this with you and nobody else". He sits back down on your bed and takes of his coat, tossing it to the floor. You walk a few steps to be right in-between his legs before crawling on top of him and straddling him, your butt directly in front of his crotch and each leg resting on his thighs. You look him in the eyes before leaning in and resting your plump, soft lips on his. He takes the initiative and begins to slide his tongue into your mouth.


You make out for about 30 seconds before Kyle pulls away, a thin strand of saliva leaving your twos lips as he does so. "What is it?" You question, slightly puzzled. "Ugh, I.." He looks down, embarrassed. His eyes guide you to his crotch and you get the hint. "Oh, you're hard, you worried me I thought I was doing a bad job or something" you tease. You trace your hand from his shoulder down to his thigh and he quietly whimpers. You slowly caress the bulge over his jeans before looking at him. His eyes are shut tightly and his cheeks are flushed hot pink. "Should I?" you ask, almost nervously, whilst fiddling with his belt buckle. He opens his eyes before giving a pleading nod. You carefully undo the buckle and slide down to the floor, to be sat in-between his legs, allowing him to wriggle his jeans off and push them next to his coat. You look up at him before smiling and pulling his boxers down. His rock hard member bounces up, almost making you jump. He laughs before putting a hand on your cheek, "I really love you so much, Y/N, so so much". With that you drag your tongue from the base of his cock up to the top, leaving a wet trail of saliva up the length of it. He throws his head back sharply with the first touch. You take the tip in your mouth and circle it with your tongue as you push your mouth down to take as much of him inside you as possible. He moans loudly, "Oh fuck, oh shit" his hands twitch slightly before digging his nails into the duvet. You begin to bob your head up and down at an increasing pace still using your tongue simultaneously. His hands move from the bed to your head as he grabs two handfuls of hair and tightly squeezes. You take his cock out of your mouth and teasingly lick the tip as if it were a lollipop. "If you carry on like that, I won't be able to wait" he murmurs. You stand up, once again getting on the bed. You lie down and Kyle climbs over you. Both of you are panting from how turned on you are and are moaning through your breaths. You begin to make out again as his hands explore your body. He slides your shirt over your head and quickly unclaspes your bra, feeling your boobs aggressively. It seems he's finally found his confidence and dominant side again since he is uncontrollably turned on. His raging boner persistently brushes on your leg as the making out get hotter and heavier. He's slides off your pants and underwear and you moan from excitement. You open your bed side dresser and open a box of condoms pulling one out and opening it. He takes it from you and slides it down the length of his cock.  "Do it, put it in" you beg, he smirks as he positions his dick right in front of your opening. "You're ready?" He asks again, just to be sure. "Y-Yes, please" He slowly slides himself inside you and a loud moan escapes your lips. "F-fuck, oh my god" he whimpers. Its so hard for him to hold back but he stays still allowing you to get used to his cock. "Okay, you can move" you whisper. He slowly thrusts in and out, with hypnotising movements. Your eyes roll back with pleasure. The barely noticeable pain lasts a mere few seconds, before the pleasure takes over. "Oh my god, your cock is amazing Kyle! oh my god!" His movements grow quicker and his nose wrinkles as he comes close. His cock pounds against your walls  causing a kind of pleasure that's indescribable, its sends waves up your whole body. His ginger curls bounce with his movements as sweat trickles down his forehead. Your hips begin to grind with each of his thrusts matching his movements perfectly. "I-I'm gonna" He mumbles. "Me too!" You moan loudly. Your walls clench around him as he cums. You both let out the loudest noise you can manage as you twitch with pleasure. He collapses next to you on the bed, completely red and sweaty. Breathlessly you whisper, "That-That was...amazing". "You were amazing, I love you, you little asshole" he pants, smiling from ear to ear before booping your nose and wrapping his arms around your waist. 

He takes off the condom and throws it in the trash before slithering back into bed with you and spooning for the rest of the day, stroking your arms and hips and playing with your hair. You were happy and truly knew, he was the one.

KYLE X READER [South Park] NSFW/LEMON WARNINGWhere stories live. Discover now