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Your faces are only centimetres apart for a very few brief seconds as you reposition yourself, sitting on your feet only to be closer to Kyle. You push one of his little curls behind his ear then trail your hand down to cup his cheek caressing it with your thumb. "Lets just talk for a while" you smile before removing your hand from his face to place on his knee. He blushes before managing to spit out a few words, "Yeah, we have been kind of silent today haven't we? I was just trying to finish of this-" You cut him off mid-sentence with a quick peck on the lips. "You don't have to explain yourself!" You exclaim, "I don't care if we don't talk for the whole time you're here, I just like to spend time with you". His face quickly becomes an even deeper shade of red. "You're being awfully nice, do you want something?" He smirks, scanning your face quickly. "Mhm!" you giggle. He tilts his head as if asking you to say what you want. "I want you!" you spit out quickly. His eyes widen sharply and he looks down, "Uh! Well, what do you mean by that," he fumbles with his gloves, still not looking up. "I didn't mean it like that, I just want to spend time with you," you laugh, "that is unless you want to..." Kyles anxiety grows as he begins to sweat and twiddle his thumbs, by now you would expect him to be more comfortable with you, you guys have been going out for a while now and he's normally super relaxed but you're both virgins and totally inexperienced so it's sort of to be expected. Although he is normally quick witted and aggressive, the roles seem to switch in these situations and you gain dominance and confidence whilst he completely goes into his shell despite wanting you so bad.

KYLE X READER [South Park] NSFW/LEMON WARNINGWhere stories live. Discover now