(The Note)

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Aug 27, 2014 is when I start 9th grade. My name is Shawn, and I am 14 almost 15 years old. yes, I get picked on because I am a nerd. I get straight A's in all six of my classes. My teachers are like my only best friends. Sad isn't it!? Sept 29,2014 a new girl(Jasmine) came to West High School. She saw that I have been bullied and treated badly. She sat by me at lunch and treated me like a real friend. I thought it was really strange because nobody ever talked to me. EVER.

Oct 3, 2014, I see Jasmine adjusting to West High School. Then in 3rd period, I hear on the intercom that there will be a dance at the end of the year and we were doing a countdown. The school owners said we could have a dance if we have good behavior. So I started writing Jasmine a note saying:" I know the dance is at the end of the year, but would you like to go with me.?" On my way to 4rth period, I see Jasmine in a football player (Ron)'s arms, but me thinking that's the one who she likes now. I shoved  the note in my pocket and acted like I didn't see anything.

Nov 20th,2014  Jasmine sits by me at lunch again and see's me looking disappointed. she asks what's wrong? I told her that I saw her in Ron's arms and she tells me she hasn't seen him in a while and they were best friends. So I let that slip and I started getting to know her more. We talked and walked home together, We went to the movies together. Ron. He looked mad and he really had steam coming out of his ears. He yelled " get out of here Shawn before you get messed up... BAD!!!"

I ran out of the theatre feeling alone. Again! I get outside and I am looking for my car. I ran towards it, opened it, and put the note in the glove box. I'm driving home and I'm thinking to myself, why do I belong in this world if nobody appreciates me being here? A tear starts running down my face and everything looked blurry when I was tearing up. it was like fog everywhere. I turned the wrong way and I am on the wrong side of the road. Then BAM!! my car flipped over and flipped over about 5 times. The glove box was broken and the last minute of my time, I saw Jasmine's car pull up to me and she jumped out screaming. I saw Ron laughing.

I tried to at least have one more moment to spare with Jasmine. And she is crying and I can feel her cold tears rushing down my face. She says to me " you were the one I liked and will always like." It was my time to go back where I had came from before all of this crap had happened. Jasmine had let me go., and saw the note. She opened the note and read it, word for word.

She answered my question and said yes. And cried some more. all these months pass and its already May 30th, 2015 and that day was the dance. She didn't go when me and her were supposed to be king and queen. She sat in her bed and thought back of all the moments we had together, with the note I wrote and the picture of us at lunch.

June 7, 2015 Jasmine got hit by a car that was driven by Ron. Ron said he did it on purpose because he didn't like how Jasmine wouldn't get over me being dead. R.I.P Jasmine see you in Heaven.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2014 ⏰

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