At least you chose the right one

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Peeta's not here. Peeta's missing. He's been kidnapped, tortured-

"Katniss! Are you awake?"

I have to calm down. All I've been doing is waking up after Peeta and being paranoid when he's not next to me. Maybe because all he did was save me and for once I couldn't save him.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming."

Walking to the shower, I think about how different my life would've been if it wasn't for Peeta showing up. Greasy Sae was helping me in any way she could, but she was helping me survive. Not live. Peeta broke in, even if I didn't want anyone to come in, and got me up. I wouldn't say I love life, and I probably never will, but I could not hate it anymore.

I clean myself down. The showers are not as good at the Capitols, but that's fine. Those showers were a luxury. And if you have too much of a luxury it just turns to Reality.

I put on my clothes and simultaneously braid my hair whilst walking down the stairs. I am greeted to an audience of people, who were Effie, Beetee, Haymitch, Greasy Sae, Peeta, Anne, my mum and Johanna.  Loads of food is on the table, but a plate of lamb stew with dried plums and a cake Prim admired from afar when we walked past Peeta's old bakery catches my eye. It's velvet green and decorated with green pearls. On top was a black '19' candle on the beautiful cake.

"What's this?" I exclaim, shocked.

"It's May 8th!" Effie exclaim, full of joy. "Your birthday! Happy 19th darling!" She runs up to me and gives me a massive hug. Her dress is fully green velvet and studded with pearls, like my cake, and a massive green wig is on her head. I chuckle to myself and hug her back, satisfied that some things are never changed. "Come on, let's celebrate!"

Effie took my hand and dragged me outside, which was full of tables adorned with white gems, and on top was lemonade and tea cakes. Not too 'out there'. Perfect. People from the Victor's Village were sitting down, drinking, laughing and having a good time. They all turn to me and smile.

"Katniss!" They exclaim, "happy birthday!"

I stay where I am but a hand grabs mine. It's strong and firm so I know it's Peeta. I look up to him and kiss him on the cheek.

"You'll get your present later." He winks at me and I raise my left eyebrow at him. He kisses me quickly on the lips as he walks away, doing the job of talking to the guest for me because I cannot talk to people like a functioning human being.

"You still don't deserve him." A alcoholic breath creeps up to my right ear.

"Thanks for the birthday wishes, Haymitch." I say sarcastically, turning around to face him. He grins, a cup of 'lemonade' in his left hand.

"So how much did you contribute to this party?" I ask him. He chuckled and held up his glass.

"Replaced the third jug of lemonade with tequila." He points to a jug that looks identical to the rest, downing the glass of tequila. He walked away to join Effie, both hands raised up. "It's what I do best!"

I laugh and shake my head as he walks away to talk to Effie. These people make me forget about what's happened before. For a few minutes, I really feel like a 19 year old, celebrating her birthday with her boyfriend, family and friends. Well, there's one thing that makes it less normal.  How good of a boyfriend I have.

"Well, well, well," I hear from afar, "if it isn't Miss Mockingjay all grown up."

"Hello, Johanna." I smile, hugging her tight. "Thanks from coming all from District 7."

"How could I miss my girl becoming a... well, you didn't really become anything special did you?" Johanna laughs. You gotta love Johanna's compliments.

I spoke a bit with my mum, met Anne's beautiful baby boy, and drank lemonade (I first picked out the tequila but Haymitch took it from me). As we cut the cake and ate the food, the guest left and the true guests (the ones from the house) remain.

"It's 23:12!" Effie beams. "Presents!"

Effie hands me a bag, saying it's from her and Haymitch. Evidently, Haymitch shows that he wasn't part of it. I smile as I feel it, knowing it's a dress. Oh no. If I open it in front of everyone, I'll need to try a flamboyant dress. Best if I open it when everyone's gone.

"Thank you Effie. And Haymitch." I give Haymitch a look as I put the bag down.

My mum was next. She walks up to me and hands me a bow and arrows.

"Your father's old bow," she mutters, "Beetee helped fix it up a bit because you lost the one you had for the rebellion."

"It's stunning;" I tell them, "thanks, you two."

More presents were handed to me, all useful and what I expected. Anne, many more pictures of Finnick and gave me his old trident, Johanna, an axe that has 'brave bitch' written on its side and Greasy Sae, a new cooker. Peeta is the only one left.

"I need to go upstairs to get it." Peeta says. He races up the stairs and people try to guess what he got me.

"A weapon?"

"A phone?"

"A child?" Say Johanna. Everyone turns to her. "What? You can adopt."

Peeta runs back down the stairs, holding a puppy. A Labrador.

"What?" I exclaim. The Labrador is beautiful, but I'm shocked. A puppy?

"What should her name be?" He asks, giving her to me so I can hold her. I hold the tiny puppy, her soft, golden fur brushing on my shirt.

"Her colour reminds me of a Rue Herb." Effie says, cooing over my dog.

"Rue!" I realise. "she should be Rue!"

She licked my face, obviously happy with the idea.

"I can't wait for Rue to meet Buttercup." Peeta laughs. everyone soon leaves and only me and Peeta remain. I stay by the phone and Peeta sits by me.

"Who are you waiting for?" He asks me, putting his arm round me.

"Why didn't Gale come?" I moan. "I thought he would call but it's past 12. Does he not care?"

He wraps his arms around me and I bury my head in him.

"At least you know you chose the right one." He says bluntly. I laugh and I regain myself and sit next to him. I put my hand on his leg and turn to him.

"Was the puppy the present you said I'd have for later?" I ask, sitting on his lap and facing him. I put my arms round neck and at first he looks shocked, but then catches on.

"Definitely." He responds. He gets up, carrying me and my legs round him, and takes me to my bedroom.

Hehehe ;) Tell me if you guys want it detailed or just skipped over. It'll be skipped over in the beginnings but later on the scenes will be as detailed as you guys tell me to. Sorry it's a bit drab, I just want to introduce the characters, setting etc. It'll be much more, wow, later on. Buh-bye!

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