Step One

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Song Dami. A girl with full of surprise. Sometimes she could be really friendly, and sometimes she could be really annoying. There's no in between. Being the only daughter in her family, sure made her as a tough girl (?) Since she has 3 older brothers which make her the youngest (maknae) in her family. People rarely disturb her cause if they ever bullied the girl, they know what will come next.

"Dami, should I send you to school today?" The first brother, Sungyoon asked her little sister.

But the second brother, Jangjun quickly interrupt them, "I will send you today," He said.

Dami laughed looking at her brothers' behaviour. Her life will never be dull with them, "I will send her," The eldest brother among her brothers, Daeyeol came out with a briefcase in his hand as he took a sit for breakfast.

"Oppa," Dami opened her mouth, "I'll go with bus today."

"No," The three brothers said simulatenously causing Dami to choke on her food. Sungyoon quickly grabbed a cup of water and passed it to his little sister.

Dami pouted, "Please," She put both of her hand together as if she's begging to her brothers. Dami knows her brothers will never say no when she asked for something so there's no use to try so hard.

"Okay, but only for today," The three of them gave up.

Dami smiled, "Thank you," She said and all four of them ate the breakfast in peace.


Dami was walking alone to the bus stop when she saw someone familiar, "Kim Jibeom!" She mumbled alone as she let out the biggest smile she could ever form with her lips.

Kim Jibeom. A cool guy with full of coldness around him. It's really hard to see the boy smiles though. It has been a year since Dami fall for the boy. How did she fall for the boy? Well, simple. Jibeom looks so cool funny when he dance. Since the day she saw Jibeom was dancing till now, she was already deeply in love with him and determined to make the boy hers.

She walked to the bus stop with a faster pace than before. Then she quietly sit beside Jibeom who was waiting for bus too. She couldn't help but kept moving her eyes to her right side to look at Jibeom, "He looks so cute today," She muttered under her breath and smiled.

"Do you perhaps talk to me?" Jibeom asked when he heard someone talking. He looked at the girl and his first impression would be, is she in our class? She looks familiar.

Dami widened her eyes when she heard Jibeom talked to her. She turned around with an obvious red cheeks and looked at Jibeom who was busy listening to song at the moment, "I thought he was talking to me, I bet not," She said it quite loud; felt confident that the boy couldn't hear it since he had his headphone on.

"I really talk to you though?" He put down his headphone and looked at the girl, "By the way, do I know you?" He asked in cautious.

Dami frowned her eyebrows, he didn't know me? What the hell... "We're in the same class," She answered.

"Ah," Jibeom remembered something, "That's why you look familiar," He could understand the situation now.

After a few minutes they're having a little conversation, the bus comes to pick them. Both of Jibeom and Dami ride the bus and that's it. Their interaction for today for the first time ever end like that. No sweet words, there's only awkwardness left around them.


"Guess what?" Dami said as soon as she took a sit at her place. Jibeom was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he's in dance room; as usual. She thought.

Her friend, Ryu Sujeong stopped on her writing when Dami arrived, "What?" She asked.

"I talked to Jibeom just now!" She said excitedly. There's no words could describe how happy she is to talk with her crush only after liking him for a fucking year.

Sujeong's eyes widened, "Seriously?" She looked like she was in shock as well.

Dami nodded her head, "I guess I could make my first move now," She said with full of confidence.

Sujeong grabbed both of her friend's hand as if she's giving a courage to the girl, "You can do this, Song Dami." She said.

When Dami wanted to say the next thing, the teacher for the first subject today entered the class. They took out the book from their bag and focus on the class.

Finally, Jibeom noticed my existence.


The bell rang showing that it's the lunch time for the kids. All of the kids rushed themselves to the cafe so that they will get to be at the front line; doesn't have to line up for a long time to get the food.

As usual, Sujeong and Dami would grab their lunch together, "How do you think I should approach him?" Dami felt like she got all the courage she was supposed to have a year ago only after Jibeom talked to her.

"Well, maybe a simple conversation would do?" Sujeong gave a suggestion to her best friend.

Dami nodded to the suggestion, "But that," She stopped herself from moving when she witnessed something... weird?

Sujeong looked at the direction where Dami has been looking at, "Kim Jibeom?" She frowned, "Wait, isn't that..."

"Yoo Jiae," Both of them said simultaneously as they looked at each other.

Someone put her hands around both of Dami and Sujeong's shoulders, "Don't you know? They're dating!" The girl interrupt their conversation.

"What?!" Dami said that with her loud voice; managed to attract the attention from the whole cafe. She quickly cupped her mouth when she saw everyone was looking at her right now; even Jibeom... and Jiae, "Are you serious, Jung Yein?" She asked again and Yein simply nodded her head to the question.

Dami... good luck in surviving...

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