Step Two

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"What am I going to do now?" Dami sighed, "How can Jiae ever date Jibeom?" She sighed again. She almost giving up with her life.

Sujeong and Yein sighed as well, "I never thought Jibeom would like someone like Jiae," Sujeong said as she took a sip of her favourite coffee, iced americano.

"Me too," Yein said.

But then both of the girls turned her attention towards Yein, "But how did you know Jibeom is dating Jiae? I thought you said they're only in their first day," Sujeong frowned her eyebrows and Dami just nodded her head as she agreed with Sujeong's question.

"Bomin told me," Yein simply answered, "You know that Bomin and Jibeom is in the same club right?" She explained.

Then, Dami and Sujeong formed a suspicious smile to Yein, "Since when you're dating Bomin? You didn't even tell us," Dami teased Yein.

"I am not dating him!" Yein denied it; but it's so obvious that she's blushing right now.

Sujeong laughed, "It's so obvious that you like him, dude," She said, "So, stop lying." Sujeong pinched Yein's fluffy cheeks causing it to be more red than before.

"Yah," Yein hit Sujeong's hand, "Well, couldn't deny that I like him but, okay let's focus on Dami and Jibeom first." She tried to change the topic.

Dami sighed, "You're right. What am I going to do?" She asked the same question she asked before.


"Hi, Jibeom," She shook her head, "Hi, it's me Dami, your classmate," She shook her head again, "Hi, nice to see you again," She gave up. She could never do this. She looked at her weird reflection in the mirror. She really looks like a weird girl trying to attract the attention from the boy she likes and that's what exactly she was trying to do now.

Someone opened the door and witnessed her weird action, "Dami, are you okay?" Her brother, Jangjun asked. Dami nodded her head, "Let's go for dinner," He said and closed the door to give the space for Dami to change her cloth.

Again. They will be eating outside today. Her eldest brother usually do the cook part but she bet Daeyeol will be home late today so they need to grab something outside. Dami get herself ready. She wear a red plain shirt with short jeans and complete her looks with a cute floral headband.


"Why you're so dress up tonight?" Sungyoon teased his little sister as he drove the car.

"She's wearing her pajamas for God sake," Another teased coming out from Jangjun.

She could never stop her brothers. Dami decided to shut her mouth till they finally arrived the restaurant they wanted to eat at.

"What do you want to eat?" Jangjun asked Dami who was flipping the menu; page by page.

Dami hummed to the question then shrugged, "I think I will take steak," She said and closed the menu book.

"Damn, she chose the most expensive food in the menu," Sungyoon muttered alone but obviously could be heard by both Jangjun and Dami.

Dami rolled her eyes, "You can't even sacrifice for your only sister," She said then her eyes fell on someone. It's Jibeom. She smiled.

"She's whining but she's smiling too," Sungyoon who actually sits beside Dami looked into the direction she has been looking, "She's looking at a guy?" Sungyoon frowned.

"What guy?" Jangjun turned his head around and the three of them were looking at the same person at the moment.

Jibeom got a feel where there's people looking at him right now. Jibeom who was busy looking at the menu, slowly lifted his head and could see there's a table with two man and a girl were actually having their eyes on him at the moment.

"I think I know that girl," He said when he recognized one of the person there, but then someone greeted him.

"Jibeom, sorry that I'm late," Jiae took a sit infront of the boy but Jibeom still had his eyes on the table not far from him, "What are you looking at?" She turned her head around and rolled her eyes, "Song Dami?" She said.

"Oh, so that girl's name is Song Dami," Jibeom remembered that he met her earlier at the bus stop when he's on his way to school. They even rode the same bus.

Jiae frowned, "You don't know her? She likes," Jiae stopped her words immediately.

"Like what?" Jibeom could feel that there's something Jiae wanted to tell him but she cut her own words.

Jiae shook her head, "What should we eat?" She took the menu from Jibeom and opened it, "I want this," She showed to one of the menu written there. Jibeom nodded his head and called for a waiter. After they ordered the food, his eyes fell on the girl named Song Dami again. Who are those two guys? He had those questions in his mind.


"I met Jibeom yesterday," She told her friends, "But of course he's with Jiae," She sighed. They're on their way to the class at the moment.

Today, she went to school with Jangjun since Jangjun said today he's going to school. Jangjun was actually the only brother she had that's not too old from her. Jangjun has only one year gap with her while the others, Sungyoon has 5 years gap with her and Daeyeol has 8 years gap with Dami. That's why they're more protective than Jangjun. Jangjun is more to childish; in other words, a brother that Dami could treat as friend.

Someone stopped them from walking any further by standing right infront of them, "Hey, losers," The leader between the three girls greeted them.

The three of them rolled their eyes almost in unison as if they planned it before, "What do you want, Princess Jiae?" Sujeong asked.

"Nothing," She shook her head, "Girls," She said and the two girls, Mijoo and Kei approached the three of them.

"Well, you know that Jibeom is now Jiae's boyfriend right?" Mijoo whispered into Dami's ears.

Dami shrugged, "Then?" Dami couldn't care less about that. They're dating; not married yet.

"Then, don't you dare to lay your eyes on him," Kei getting annoyed when Dami couldn't understand what they're trying to say.

Dami let out a small laugh causing the three girls startled, "I think it wasn't a big deal right for me to like Jibeom?" She asked, "Well, I mean, I never try to steal him or what. Oh and yes, I heard it's only your day-2 with him," She tried to provoke Jiae, "Then, please take care of your boyfriend, don't let him go cause I might snatch him from you." She whispered into her ears and walked between them; leaving the girls behind.

Sujeong and Yein both flipped their hairs as they followed Dami. When they reached somewhere quiet, Dami let out a big sigh, "I did the right thing, isn't it?" She asked, "I mean look at Jiae's face, she looks really annoyed with me. Damn. I think I'm going to get kill." She knows that all that she said before wasn't her original intention. It was almost impossible for her to say all of those things.

"You did well, Dami," Yein assured her friend who looked hella nervous right now.

Sujeong nodded her head in agree, "Let's go to class. We'll be late." Sujeong took a peek at her watch and there's only 5 minutes before class start.

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