Step Four

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"So, you want to say that Jiae slapped you?!" Yein raised her voice; almost shouting in the cafe causing the other customers to look at them.

Both Sujeong and Dami lowered their head as they felt embarrassed with the attention given by all people in the cafe, "Lower down your voice and sit down," Sujeong whispered.

"Okay, sorry," Yein finally calm herself down and took a deep breath before exhaled it.

"I don't know that Jibeom really likes Jiae," Dami said as she inhale her drinks, "But damn, Jiae is fucking annoying. I don't know what the hell she said to Jibeom but God, he thought that my brothers are my boyfriend!" Dami totally couldn't believe with the words she said.

"Damn, that's funny," Sujeong laughed, "Did he actually thinks Jangjun and Sungyoon is your boyfriend? Okay, maybe just one of them." She asked.

Dami nodded, "It's really stupid right? I was about to explain it to him but he said he didn't want any explanation and asked me to stay away from him and Jiae."

"What a jerk," Yein rolled her eyes, "Are you still like him even when he said those things to you?" Dami shrugged to the question.

"Of course she still likes him," Sujeong answered it for Dami, "How can you easily forget your crush?" Her mind wandered around thinking about someone when she said that.

Dami smirked, "Like how you can't forget my brother, Jangjun?" The girl teased Sujeong causing Sujeong to blush.

"Yah, since when I like your brother?" Sujeong tried to deny just like what Yein did before.

"It's so obvious that you like him, dude," Yein said, "So, stop lying," Yein pinched Sujeong's fluffy cheeks.

"Wait, I think I heard those words before," Dami tried to recall her memories, "Aha, that's the same thing Sujeong said to Yein when we talked about Bomin," Dami remember it and laughed.

"Wow, girls, you guys having so much fun," Someone interrupted their conversation. The three of them turned around and could see an annoying girl infront of them. They decided to ignore the girl and continue with their conversation, "Yah, that's fucking rude," Jiae whined when they ignored her.

Dami rolled her eyes, "Say someone who appeared out of nowhere and disturb us," She paused, "Don't you think you're rude as well?" She said in sarcastic manner.

"Ah, you're probably didn't feel my slap earlier. Should I slap you for the second time, rude girl?" Jiae lifted her hand up and was about to slap Dami when someone hold her hand. She was ready to give the most death glare she could ever give to the one who dare to stop her but, "Jibeom," Jibeom put her hand down.

"Stop making mess and come with me," Jibeom grabbed Jiae's wrist and dragged her out from the cafe.

Sujeong and Yein took a relieve sigh, "Jibeom save your life," They said.

"How I wish he did that earlier," Dami muttered under her breath before touched her cheeks which being slapped by Jiae just now.


"What the hell is wrong with you?" Jibeom turned his body around and faced Jiae when he was sure that they're far enough from the cafe.

"What?" Jiae crossed her arms as she rolled her eyes.

Jibeom sighed, "Can you stop provoking Dami? She did nothing wrong to you," He said; gave up looking at Jiae's behaviour. At this point, he might just ask for a break up.

"She's annoying," Jiae whined, "I did that for you though. I mean how can I just see her do everything she wants? It's so annoying to see her talking to you." She said.

"Obviously she can do anything she wants. And I'm the one who asked for her. She did nothing," Jibeom almost lost patience with the girl infront of him, "If you're going to be like this, it's better for us to break up."

Jiae's eyes widened bigger than it usual self, "Seriously, Jibeom? You want a break up just because of the silly girl?" She raised her voice.

"No. It's not because of her. It's because of you." Jibeom said but he knows that Jiae won't accept that fact.

"Fine. Let's break up. But do know that you will regret your decision," She stomped her legs and walked away from the boy; leaving him behind.

"It's for the best," Jibeom muttered under his breath with his fist clenched.


"Do you know that our baby girl cried because of a boy?" Jangjun started the conversation between the three boys who was currently watching soccer game. He looked around to check for Dami but she couldn't be seen anywhere; maybe she's in her room.

"What boy?" Sungyoon asked while his eyes still locked on the television.

Daeyeol turned his attention to Jangjun, "How did you know?" He asked.

"Because I saw her crying," He said, "Yah, Sungyoon hyung, do you remember the boy where Dami caught staring at? I think it's that boy," He made a statement.

And only then their focus turn to Jangjun. Daeyeol took the remote control on the table and switched off the television. It wasn't an exciting game though. There's no point to watch it. Their sister is way more important.

"That boy? But I thought he has a girlfriend?" Sungyoon frowned his eyebrows cause as far as he remember, the boy was with a girl.

Jangjun nodded his head, "Yeah, and the girl apparently slapped her," He said with no tone inserted in his voice.

"How dare she slapped our girl?!" Daeyeol raised his voice and suddenly get up from the sofa.

"Hyung, calm down," Sungyoon tried to calm his brother down, "Dami might hear us," He put his index finger on his lips as if asking him to lower his voice.

Jangjun hummed looking at his older brothers behaviour. He could never act that way, "Aren't we going to do anything?" He asked.

The three of them stayed silent as they thought about something, "But I think it's better to have her handle her own problem. I don't think she would like it if we interfer in her problem," Sungyoon gave a suggestion and the other two brothers just nodded in agree. Their litte girl does needs her own space.

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