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Fandom: Something that can be in media or pop culture that fangirls can come together and obsess over together. Can be a movie, tv show, book, music, etc.

Fanfiction: A story written with characters in a fandom, or made up characters in a fandom universe.

Fanboy: The male equivalent of a fangirl

Fangirl: Someone who is obsessed with a fandom

Fanon: Fanon refers to a common fact, plot, or character element that is not canon (not mentioned in the books, movies, or by JKR) but is still generally accepted as fact by fans.

Fangirling: v. 1. the reaction a fangirl has to any mention or sighting of the object of her "affection". These reactions include shortness of breath, fainting, high pitched noises, shaking, fierce head shaking as if in the midst of a seizure, endless blog posts, etc

2. a gathering of two or more fangirls in which they proceed to waste endless amounts of time ogling, discussing/arguing, stalking, etc. the object of their "affection"

Feels: Extreme feelings a fangirl/fanboy gets. Usually either a mix of happiness and anxiousness or sadness and anxiousness.

Fic: Shortened word for fanfiction. Also called fanfic.

Fluff: Cute, romancy adorableness. The type of fic that is typically happy and often G-rated, involving shameless flirting between characters and little or no plot

FFnet : fanfiction.net, another popular fanfiction website

Fanvid – a fanmade video often consisting of clips accompanied by music.

FoeTP – two fictional people who make the perfect nemeses.

Femslash: Femslash implies that one or more relationship is lesbian i.e. Female/Female.It is also referred to as "femmeslash", "F/F", and "yuri". Compare with "slash" and "het".

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