Nothing Remains | Give Heart Records | Fnaf 6

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[Verse 1]

This is the end ,This is goodbye

Listen for the children singing one last lullaby

One more dance ,One more night

The final chance to make it right

Crawling back from where you came


Set them free and just be gone

The nightmare's lasted far too long

I will end this where it began

According to plan


Set the stage and let the rage consume you

Like a wildfire burning through you

Building a Coffin from confetti and confessions

Maybe there will be a lesson in the rubble when it's through

Buried in metal and a million memories

The temperature is rising to a thousand degrees

I never ever learned to let go of the pain

I'll make it all burn 'til nothing remains

Nothing Remains

[Verse 2]

There's no more need to try to flee

I've got a funny feeling this where you want to be

Ashes to ashes

Dust to dust

And everything will fade and rust

I'm sorry that you put your trust in me


Baby girl it's time to go

And I will join you

That I know

I will end this where it began

A broken man


Set the stage and let the rage consume you

Like a wildfire burning through you

Building a Coffin from confetti and confessions

Maybe there will be a lesson in the rubble when it's through

Buried in metal and a million memories

The temperature is rising to a thousand degrees

I never ever learned to let go of the pain

I'll make it all burn 'til nothing remains

Nothing Remains


Set the stage and let the rage consume you

Like a wildfire burning through you

Building a Coffin from confetti and confessions

Maybe there will be a lesson in the rubble when it's through

Buried in metal and a million memories

The temperature is rising to a thousand degrees

I never ever learned to let go of the pain

I'll make it all burn 'til nothing remains

Nothing Remains

Give Hearts Records es una banda compuesta por Nathan Sharp (Natewantstobattle),Mandopony (Andrew Stein) y unos cuantos mas. Las canciones publicadas en Give Hearts Records serán publicadas con ese nombre,al principio se pondrá el nombre del cantante/creador. Si música es publicada en el canal del cantante/creador el nombre sera puesto en donde va el nombre del autor.

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