"Kermit, it's not what it looks like!!" Jar Jar squealed.
The mighty frog whipped out his anal impaler, locked and loaded. "I won't hesitate, bitch."
"No!" The pair cried, but it was too late. Kermit's purple-headed soldier had fired its salty semen all over Steve and Jar Jar.
"Feel my sticky wrath, cheater!!!" The frog cried, his pork-sword going limp.
Jar Jar twisted and yanked Steve off his love muscle like he was unscrewing a cork. Setting the senator to the side, the alien twink got down on his knees and looked up at his old lover with pleading eyes.
"Kermy, mesa sorry. Mesa would never try to hurt you," Jar Jar begged, stopping in between phrases to suck Kermit's scaly toes. "After the vore with Miss Piggy went too far, we haven't spiced things up in the bedroom in awhile. Mesa was just looking for some fun."
"You want fun?" Kermit's eyes narrowed. "I'll give you fun."
From under his hood, he whipped out his lightsaber (an actual lightsaber this time...not his penis).
"Bring me the crusty boy," the frog bellowed.
Not wanting to fight his lover, he picked Steve Buscemi up by his head and plopped him in front of Kermit.
"Show me your pathetic excuse for a skin flute!" Kermit commanded at the Senator.
"My what??"
"Your penis, you wrinkly thot!" Kermit lowered his lightsaber.
Steve, tears forming in his eyes, held out his small shaft for the frog. He closed his eyes, bracing for what came next.
In one swift motion, the Jedi frog sliced off the senator's helpless member.
"You are ours to play with now," the frog growled at the senator as he wrenched in pain.
"My-sa love," Jar Jar cried. "What is this madness?!"
"Quiet, scum!"
"But Kermy—"
"I know what will shut you up," Kermit picked up the severed meat popsicle, and tossed it at Jar Jar's feet.
"You know what to do."
Mesa Loves You - Steve Buscemi X Jar Jar Binks Fanfiction
Humor"Do you think God stays in heaven because he too, lives in fear of what he's created?" -Steve Buscemi, Spy Kids 2