Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

 Fifteen years later 

Scott POV

"Sheriff Gavin there is a body by the bridge". He was looking through files that were placed on his desk until one of his men came to his door. Another body has been found again.  He lost count of how many bodies he found.  I got up from my chair putting the files on my desk.  I left the files on my desk and head to the door. I hate when this happens. Over the past fifteen year, there has been over a hundred in this town murder and raped every year. The main reason I became a sheriff because I want to find out who is really behind this and throw them in jail. So many people lost their daughters, sisters, girlfriend, wife, and friends. I got to my car and drove to the bridge.

Why is so many girls murder in the same place where Lisa Morningstar was killed? Why should I care for that little bitch? She kills her own brother Gunter who was the most popular guy in the school. He was a kind, charming, and loving person with a great sense of humor. He is dead because he saw his little sister Lisa's life. After his death, everyone in town blames her for everything she has done. We all treated her as a salve and trash. We all made fun of her. Megan and Abby were her best friends since preschool. They like the three Mouseketeers and tell each other everything. They left her because of what she did. Everyone hates her for what she did to Gunter. She was a jealous girl who wants attention. 

Every time she would walk to her locker and cover her face with a hoodie. We would push her to the locker with a bruise or mark on her body because we wanted her to feel the pain like Gunter went through. We all did our power to humiliate her in front of the whole school. We were all cruel to her and didn't care what she does because no one wants her here. We all told her to kill herself and after all those pain. She did. She kills herself at Gunter's death celebration party just made for him only and it was on her birthday. We banned her to come to any of Gunters event. His birthday and more things.

We wish it was her instead of him, but everything change since she disappeared and her body was never found. No want to look for her because it will better if she disappeared. Erich stop talking to us because she was the only person who stood by her. She was also Gunter's best friend. She hated what we did to her. She hated me the most because I was the person who ruins her life the most. I broke the first guitar that Gunter brought her on fifth birthday. Lisa Morningstar wanted to be a singer because she had a great voice. Just after her death, Erich left town without anyone where she went just she brought someone home with her. 

I drove to the bridge and saw Dion who is Erich's fiance standing by the crime scene with the other officer looking for evidence.

"Brianna Olson. She is fifteen years old" He handed me the file and took it from his hand and look at it. I examine the body. I look down saw she was stab 15 times and looked like she was sexually assaulted "She fought her attack.." This is so strange. I saw this before. "I'm going to look around" I got up and walk around the bridge. The scar looks familiar. "Scott" I heard a voice coming behind me. I saw it was Megan and Abby coming to me "What up?" I ask them

"There are a few girls in the wood. All murder but there is one alive"  Abby told me. A survivor. I follow them to the wood and a whole bunch of ambulances was there. I can't believe my eyes "Sheriff Gavin the person who is alive is with her brother. Her name is Katelyn Lottie" I nod and went to talk to her. She was cover with a blanket and bandage around her forehead. Her brother was next to her comforting her as I walk up to them.

"Katelyn. My name is Sheriff Scott Gavin. I want to ask you a couple of question" I could tell she was scared but she spoke "Yeah go ahead"

"Where were you going with your friend?" She closes her hand and saw a tear coming from her eyes."We were going to a party, but a couple of guys stop us and want to take us to a real party but I knew something was wrong...." She told me what happen and how they were threatening her and her friends. Who would do that? "That is all I need Katelyn" She nods and walk home with her older brother. How could this happen to everyone in town?  So many girls are murder every day in fifteen years. The first who was murder was Quinn who was Reed's former fiance, but it might has something to do with Lisa's disappeared. When she suddenly went missing. There was no trace her body ever found and always assume that she jumps the bridge outside of door.  I heard was phone ringing so I pick it up "Sheriff Gavin here"

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