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"How's he now.... doctor uncle...???" i askeed him... as uncle checked manik....who had high fever from last 3 days... and now unconscious ....

I was just standing near his bed... let the doctor checked him... and, made him alright just like i always wish....

"He will be fine... Cabir...!!! i know... he is much strong for fight such a small thing...!!! But, the thing is something in his mind is bothering him alot...!!!" he answered me.... removing drip from manik's arm....

"But, don't worry...!!! he'll be fine...!!! i have given him injection... and now.. he will be awake till morning...!!!" doctor informed me... and stand for take a leave....

And, i just nodded on his words... and moved with him till manik's room door... for see off him...

Once... see off doctor... i again moved towards manik.... who was sleeping with frown and sweat on his forehead....

I placed my palm on his forehead for rub off his frowns and sweat....

"NAN...DANI...!!!" i heard his mumbled almost in his breath... telling me... how much he need her... their... near him....

His condition was just making me more angry and furious on nandani....

"Don't hurt yourself.... manik...!!! i know, you are much much more strong... i always seen you...!!! i need you... your brother needs you here.. with him...!!! Plz come back... for me...!!! i don't have anyone except you...!!! And, you know this too...!!! Plz... come back...!!!" I whispred near his ear.... softly.... with a expectation that... he will realized his importance in my life... and will come back too me... again....

and, after placing a softy and assuring kiss on his forehead.... i leaved his room.... for let him take rest properly....

But, as i step out from his room....

Manik's phone once again start ringing....and, caller id was non other then our own Nandani murthy.....

And, i picked it immediately.... how can i leave that chance.... give her that same pain... which manik was suffering....

"BOLO...!!!" I directly come too the straight point....my tone was stern and just to the point for her...

"Cabir...!!! how's manik...??? Cabir... plz let me meet him... just once... plz...!!!" she once again pleaded me... for let her meet manik....

"If you have call for this... then i m disconnecting...!!!" And, i was about to cut her call....

"Plz... cabir...!!! just once...!!! i'm really very sorry for what i said... or did too him...!!! Atleast, let me asked his forgiveness...!!!"  And, her words reached my anger to next level....

"Forgiveness....!!! for what... Nandani..!!!" I tried to sound shock and unaware....

I could clearly heard her cries on phone.... but, for the first time in my life someone cries was making happy and consent....


"Cabir...!!! plz...!!!" i really wanted this for nandani....

And, this was the reason... i never switched off my or manik's phone... or tried to ignored her....

If, i had switched off phone... or ignored her.... how will i punished her for hurt manik....

"Where is your friends... nandani...!!! i heard... they all leaved you... when your ablum got cancel...!!!" I knew... my words will works like a salt on open wounds........

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