04 | q&a

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"hey guys! so laura and i moved into our apartment the other week, things are going really well but now i'm back in England to film some projects, back on that work grind,"

"i thought i'd do a q and a for you guys though, seeing as its the new year and you probably have a lot of questions for me!"

"lets start okay, uh, how is laura as a roommate? having cinderella as a roommate is amazing! she cooks, she cleans, she makes friends with all the animals. its really good!" she jokes,

"how was aspen? aspen was lovely thank you! i didn't film anything because i just wanted some time off and have a proper holiday, but i did take loads of pictures from the trip so i'll be posting them, obviously."

"did you really go to school with tom holland? hahah, yes i did! we were best friends through high school but we haven't seen each other for a while though, so hopefully we'll catch up soon!"

"have you seen dunkirk? yes i have! i loved it, Fionn and i have a project together thats coming out this year, too. so that's cool!"

"what are your plans for two thousand and eighteen? well, i plan on making it even better than last year, which will be hard because lat year was actually amazing for me, but i hope to grow in the acting industry and take as many opportunities i can,"

"i think i've babbled on enough for this video - i'm gonna have fun editing this forty minute video! - but i love you guys, and i'll take to ya soon. bye!"

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