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"Alright... look, you're doing great already!" Alexander praised Aaron, who was milking Edel, who had refused to leave Aaron alone for anything. Aaron smiled insecurely and Edel oinked happily as if to encourage Aaron and agree with Alexander. The past two hours had been filled with Alexander explaining to Aaron how to clip a woolmilkpig and how to spin it into yarn and was now dedicated to teaching him how to milk them. Aaron had quickly gotten the hang of it after about ten failed attempts but was still unsure of whether he was actually doing it right or not.

"Okay, that's enough. You won't have to milk them every day, but usually once a week. If one of them ever doesn't give any milk, you clip their wool and bring them to the chopping block right after, because that's a sign that they're too old. The hatchlings are easy to manage, you just leave them alone until they've grown up," Alexander explained and Aaron nodded looking down into the bucket of milk. Edel lied down right next to it and looked like he was dozing off, but he was actually watching Aaron intently with almost closed eyes.

"Alright... What next?" Aaron asked, getting up from the small stool he had sat on. Alexander hummed in thought, but then an idea latched into his head.

"Before we go to my stone garden, I want you to be able to really move around here on your own for if I'm ever not here but getting something new for the palace," Alexander said and Aaron raised a brow in interest.

"Oh? What did you have in mind?" he asked and Alexander led him out if the field and into the main hall again, where the staircase still stood. Aaron tilted his head to the side and Alexander led him up the stairs. The stairs led into a gigantic room with hundreds of glass cases with weird looking machines and contraptions inside them, buzzing and vibrating and beeping and hissing. Aaron looked around in awe.

"Is this your crafting room?" he asked, breathless and Alexander nodded fiercely.

"You remember!" he grinned and Aaron nodded.

"Of course, I do!" Aaron beamed, "You told me how you would always come here to craft new things to help you with pranks of with taking care of things in the palace!"

"Or just for my own entertainment," Alexander added and Aaron suddenly gasped.

"Are we going to make something for me?!" he asked excitedly and Alexander nodded with the same excitement jumping over to him. Alexander led him to a table at the very end of the room and told him to wait there. He walked to behind a glass case that had a crystal glowing in it stuck in a ball made of metal. Aaron felt like it was watching him somehow and h avoided looking at the thing, whatever it was. Alexander came back with a box in his hand and placed it on the table.

"May I ask for your sandals?" he asked and Aaron quickly untied his sandals and put them on the table before Alexander who then pointed at another box that lay on a shelf next to Aaron, "Can you get me that?" And Aaron brought him the other box too. Alexander opened the box Aaron brought him and took out of it a needle and some thread that was made from the wool of a woolmilkpig. He put the thread through the eye of the needle and placed it onto the table next to the sandals. He then carefully opened the first box, but no completely, and carefully took something out from it. Aaron hummed in surprise, it was a wing? Alexander gently took the wing into his hand and closed the box with the other. He took the left sandal and placed it right in front of himself, then grabbed the needle and began to sew the wing into the back of the sandal. It took a few minutes before he was happy with how tightly it was sewn to it and he took another wing from the box and sewed it on the other side of the sandal. After that, he proceeded to do the same with the other sandal and two more wings. Aaron stared in awe as Alexander worked on them. As soon as Alexander was done sewing the wings to the sandals they began to wiggle and he had to grab them before they flew away. He nodded at them and handed them to Aaron.

Forgotten; Worshipped (Imported from Ao3)Where stories live. Discover now