Part 15

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Thank you so much to all of you for your comments.. Nd a big sorry too for being late..

| |____Your Love Is My Prison____| |

Recap:-Sanskar took swara in dier house.. Swara's friend And sanskar's cousin comes to meet swara...


Sanskar gets shocked listening her words.. His heart stops beating.. His hands started shivering... Finally his swara is talking with him.. He Cupped swara's face..

Sanskar:-Yes swara.. Mai aa Gya! I know I'm late swara.. I'm very late but please forgive me swara.. Nd please talk with me na swara please..

Swara:-Haa sanskar.. Maine tume maaf Kr Diya(I forgive you).. Because I know you didn't do all that Intentionally..

Sanskar(hugs her):-Swara I'm soo happy today swara.. Thank you.. Thank you soo much for forgiving me.. Today my family is complete.. I'm so happy swara today.. Thank you so much for giving me this much happiness..

Swara(while hugging him):-I know sanskar that you are so happy.. Even today I'm too very happy because today I got my sanskar nd my son back..

Sanskar:-I'm sorry for all that swara.. I know because of me you had to face all this na..

Swara:-No sanskar not because of you.. But it was my fate.. That was all my mistake.. If I didn't go there to meet your parents without informing you... So may be (cries) I'm sorry sanskar..

Sanskar(kissed her forehead):-No swara please don't say this.. I love you Shona..

Swara:-I love you too sanskar..

Suddenly sanskar feels someone's crying sound.. He opens his eyes with a jerk and realize that Swara is still sleeping.. And he is sitting on couch.. Yes sanskar was seeing this in his dream... He looked here and there and find out that it was swaransh crying sound.. Without wasting time he picks him up nd tried to make him calm.. After sometime swaransh stops crying and sanskar make him sleep beside his mother...

Sanskar(thinks in mind):-Huh.. Just a dream.. But I was so happy.. I wish that this dream comes true as soon as possible.. Because I can't wait more swara... I'm dying from inside.. I'm dying swara that will you forgive me or not!? I know you will surely forgive me but what about my guilt!? .. I need you swara.. Please open your eyes and say that you are fine..You are absolutely fine..
(burst out crying)

Sanskar was crying hiding his face.. Just then his phone rings.. He looked that it was from Ruchi.. He receives the call..

Ruchi(on phone):-Hello Sanskar! Everything is fine na!? Swara kaisi h? She's okk now?

Sanskar:- Ruchi she's Still in same condition..(cries) She is still lying on bed closing her eyes..

Ruchi:-Don't worry sanskar I know she'll be definitely fine.. Did you call the Doctor?

Sanskar:-Yes Ruchi doctor said that he can't come today.. But there's nothing to be tensed, because its normal as we are trying to make her normal.. So in this process it's not a big thing.. And if she gets  unconscious while thinking all this so there's much chances that she'll be fine soon..

Ruchi:-Wow sanskar that's great news.. Okk sanskar now byee.. Please call me if you need any help from me..

Sanskar:-Yeah sure byee...

He cuts the call while turning and saw that swara is lying on bed with her eyes open.. Sanskar hurriedly goes towards her..

Sanskar:-Swara are you fine!? Shona you know I was so tensed.. Thank god you gain sense.. Swara please tell me na you are fine please...

Sanskar has full hope that today he'll get his swara back.. He wanted to tightly hug swara but he was waiting for swara to do it.. He was seeing swara with hopes but suddenly his all hopes vanished when he saw that swara ignored him and started finding Swaransh..

Swara(shouts):-Where is my child? Why? Why did they snatched my baby from me? Give me my baby back please...

Swara started shouting and throwing things here and there.. But sanskar was just standing there emotionless .. He couldn't able to believe that his all hopes are vanished.. Tears are making his cheeks wet continously ... Finally he gain some courage and called the doctor and said him to came fast.. He gave swaransh to swara and came out from room ...

Sanskar(crying):-Why? Why god? Why are you giving me so much pain? I know I did a very big mistake which is unforgivable but at least make my swara normal.. After that I'm ready to bear any punishment.. But now I can't see all this.. I'm soo helpless.. I can't do anything to make my swara normal.. Why are you giving my mistakes punishment to my swara?

He was crying his heart out.. Just then doctor comes and goes to check swara and sanskar waited outside...

Doctor(checks swara):-Swara please Give  swaransh to me?

Swara:-(no response)

Doctor:-Please swara give your baby to me for 10 mints.. I need to examine you (tried to took Swaransh)

Swara:-Arey but why? No I'll not..

Doctor(thinks in mind):-How can this is possible? Swara doesn't shout at me instead she asked the reason..

Doctor comes out from the room and talk with sanskar..

Doctor:-Sanskar i think she still need some time to get fine.. You Keep trying your best.. Don't loose hope.. And yeah sanskar I know you very well so I'm giving you a suggestion try to characterize people with their action not by their words okk..

Sanskar(confusedly):-Okk doctor.. Thank you..

Doctor leaves from there and sanskar went to meet swara.. He Saw swara was playing with swaransh.. He think to took swara to their college so that she can remember everything..

___Next Morning___

Sanskar comes to meet swara with breakfast tray.. He looked at swara after so many days he saw that angelic smile on her face.. She was sleeping peacefully with hugging her son.. Sanskar wakes her up..

Sanskar(kissed her forehead):-Come on Shona now wake up..( he goes nd shakes her)  Shona please..

Swara opens her eyes while smiling and looked at swaransh..

Swara:-Good Morning Sa(sanskar stops and looked at swara shockingly hoping that she'll says his name) son..(Sanskar gets tears in his eyes but he composed himself and he was shocked too because swara talked with swaransh so freely but he ingnored that)

Sanskar:-Swara I want to take you to our college.. So please come with me na?
Sarita jii(sanskar took a nurse for swara to help her.. Sarita is a old lady of 50 so she care for swara like her daughter) Sarita ji you please make swara ready..

After sometime Sarita jii comes with swara who is holding Swaransh.. Sanskar Stared at his beautiful wife for sometime and then they left for college.. In whole way swara was ignoring sanskar and sanskar was trying his best to talk with swara.. He couldn't able to control his tears more he burst out crying in front of swara.. But swara still doesn't look at him...  Finally they reached college..

Sanskar made her came out and took her towards the ground where they both meet for the first time... Sanskar eyes gets moist seeing that place he remember their first meet..

Sanskar:-Swara do you remember anything!? Our first meeting .. You know when I saw you that day na I fall in love with you.. And you know what swara I hit you intentionally so that I could take you in my arms.. And then you said me to leave you and I left you and then (smiles painfully) you fallen on ground.. Swara please say you remember everything..

Swara's eyes also gets moist she was full emotionless.. Otherside sanskar was trying his best to make her normal.. He fall on the ground with a thud and looked at swara with hopes but swara turns her face.. Suddenly Aditya comes there..

Adi:-Wohh bro.. You here!? And why are you crying? How's swara?

Sanskar:-Yeah actually I thought to take swara here maybe it can help her to be fine..

Adi:-Ohh.. Acha kiya tune.. But where are she?

Sanskar(turns back):-Her(stops In between as he couldn't found her) Avi yhi to thi!! Oh god Adi I need to find her..

Adi:-Yeah come..

Sanskar and Aditya both went to find swara but failed.. They found her everywhere but all in vein.. Sanskar was now hell tensed and crying vigorously.. Just then something comes in his mind and moves towards a room and there he found his wife..

But the scenario made him totally shocked.. Swara was crying sitting in a chair with swaransh..

Sanskar(cups her face):-Swara.. Swara why are you crying swara? What happen? Please tell me.. And you stop crying please.. Okk come on lets go home..

Sanskar took swara with him nd starts walking towards car.. Sanskar was holding swara with her shoulders and swara was just continuously staring him.. They both come home.. Sanskar said Sarita to make lunch.. And sanskar make swara sleep on bed and leaves from there.. Sanskar was coming out from room when his legs hits the door..

Swara:-Sanskar Sambhal k!! Jada Ni lgi na!?

Sanskar:-No swara it's fine..

Both didn't notice that what have just happened now.. Sanskar comes out from room and then he gets the biggest shock of his life.. Yes swara talked with him... Swara Called his name.. Swara cares for him..

Sanskar:- Ohh My!? Swara talked with me!? Swara called my name? It means she is fine...

Sanskar hurriedly goes inside to talk with swara..

Sanskar:-Shona.. Shona you called my name.. Wow finally swara you are fine..

But this time swara didn't respond and sleeps there tightly closing her eyes.. Sanskar again comes out from room with a hopeless face.. But he feels something fishy..

Sanskar(thinks in mind):- Something is wrong today.. Swara's behaviour I'm not getting it.. Doctor said that she'll take some time.. But today the way she greets swaransh in front of me.. Then She was crying in college.. In whole way she was staring at me and now ... What's the matter..( he thinks something)

It was evening now swara was sitting in his room and Swaransh was playing with sarita ji.. Swara felt thirsty so she was going towards kitchen... When she saw something which made her shock... Sanskar was lying on floor .. Swara was shocked to see this.. She saw a flower vase there, she picked that flower vase and threw it.. But sanskar was stiil not moving.. She hurriedly goes towards him..

Swara(keeps his head on her lap):-Sanskar! Sanskar.. What happen to you!? Sanskar please open your eyes sanskar.. Please.. (shakes him)Sanskar kya Ho gya? Why are you doing this? Open your eyes na.. Savita jii please aaiyie.. Call the doctor now.. (kissed his forehead) I'm sorry sanskar.. I know that because of me you are in this condition.. because of over stress ...

Suddenly sanskar opens his eyes slowly and looked at swara... Swara tightly hugs him.. Sanskar too respond... They both Were having a bright smile on their faces.. They both were so happy that they found their life.. After sometime Sanskar broke the hug and Started staring at her.. Now swara was hell confuesed plus shocked that what she did just now...

Sanskar:-Swara why did you do this !?

Screen freezes on swara's shocked and sanskar puzzled face..


So guys end with another part.. Shower your loves through the comments❤😚 I know this part was boring but believe me in next part you'll see I mean read some really intense scenes... And yeah it's the second last part means Ki next part will be last part.. So if you guys want then only I'll give a epilogue.. So please let me know in the comments that you guys want epilogue or not!

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