Chapter 2:

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Chapter 2:

Gonzalo’s POV

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Damn phone. Who the hell is calling me? Reluctantly, I got up and checked my phone.

Juan? He knows better than to call me at night.

“What do you want, Juan?” I was irritated. This was not the night to mess with me.

“Smiley, I need your help. These guys jumped me and I need someone to come pick me up. Please man, I got to get home,” he begged.

Damn, Juan! You can’t stay out of trouble for 5 minutes! I had to go get him though.  He was my best friend.

“Where you at?” I sighed.

“In the alley next to the bar.” Fuck! That’s all the way across town!

“Ugh, I’m on the way.” At that, I disconnected the call.

Running out the house, I jumped in my truck. Racing to go get my best friend; I wish I knew I was about to make the biggest mistake of my life.


I practically jumped out of the car. Shoving past people, I made my way to the alley.

“Juan? Where are you, man?” Please be ok. Please!

“I’m over here! Run, Gonzalo!” Juan screamed from behind me.

I spun around only to see Juan at the entrance of the alley, looking perfectly fine. What the hell? I was for real about to kick his ass. I know this punk didn’t call me just so we could drink.

The last thing I remember was Juan yelling for me to run, and then everything went black.


Juan’s POV

“Ugh, I’m on my way,” was all Gonzalo said before he disconnected.

I couldn’t believe what I did! What kind of person had I become? The old me would never use somebody to solve my own problems. I would have never done drugs, or shot people. I would be in school studying hard and going somewhere in life. But now, all that is gone. What did I do to ever deserve this?

Now, I got a girl pregnant just to run away from my own problems.

 “I’m such a punk! “ I thought to myself. “Call Gonzalo and tell him not to come. Tell him that it’s a set up,” I told myself. Right when I pulled my phone out, Patron and his guards came around the corner.

“Did you do what I told you to?” he asked in a hard voice. I could tell he was pissed that he was losing me, a high ranker, because of a girl. He would have killed Marlene and my baby if he didn’t know what I was going through.

“Yes, Patron,” I whispered.

“Good. Now go run along. We got it from here,” commanded Patron.

“Well, um, I was going to stay to make sure that he got here,” I mumbled. I didn’t look at Patron’s face to get his answer. Instead I was thinking about ways to get Gonzalo away before one of the guards got to him.

“That’s a good idea, Patron. That way, Juan can distract him while we knock Gonzalo out. It’s better that way. The less noise he makes the better,” one of the guards said.

I almost lunged at him. I always had Gonzalo’s back. Nobody every threatened him without getting a few teeth knocked out. But instead, I stood where I was and just sent him deadly glares.

“Hmm, true. Good idea, Miguel. That just earned you 2 girls tonight!” Patron always used girl like they were trash. I gagged at the thought of Miguel fucking someone. His fat ass would probably kill her.

“Okay. I’m going to be in the bar looking out for him while you guys stay here!” I yelled back as I ran out of the alley way. I had to make sure that Gonzalo didn’t walk into the alley.

Roughly 5 minutes passed before I saw Gonzalo’s big ass truck swerve around the corner. I got up from my seat and ran out.

“Gonzalo! Gonzalo!” I kept screaming. He didn’t hear me though. He jumped out of his car and ran into the alley. I sprinted after him, hoping that he didn’t go too far in. I turned the corner and saw him a good 5 feet from the entrance. If he ran he would make it out.

“Juan? Where are you, man?” Damn it! If he kept walking there was nothing I could do. I could already see the guards coming closer.

“I’m over here! Run, Gonzalo!” yelled. He turned around with a dumbfounded expression clear on his face. I was about to laugh at him before I remembered the situation we were in. I looked behind Gonzalo and saw one of the guards raise a bat.

“Run!” yelled out again. But I was too late. The guard hit him in the head with the bat and Gonzalo was out cold. I ran to him, and got down on my knees. Grabbing his head, I started to cry.

“Patron! I’ll stay! I’ll tell Marlene to get rid of the baby and I’ll stay! Just please let him go! He has nothing to do with the gang! Please!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. No reply came, though. The alley was filled with my heartbroken sobs. I couldn’t help it though. I just fucked my best friend’s life up! Still, no one had said anything. When I looked up, I was staring straight into the chamber of a gun.

“This is what you get for not staying true to your friend,” was all Patron said. I should have known this would happen.

I closed my eyes and said the last words that would come out of my mouth, “I love you, Marlene.”




A/N: So what do you guys think? Juan is just a one time character, but his story is important to the plot. I kind of know what I want to happen next with Gonzalo but I’d still like to read any comments. Please vote and encourage others to read. Special thanks to my editor: tatianaa12!  I couldn’t do this without you.

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