Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful day in spring. The sun was shining, the flowers were in bloom, and all was right with the world.


Well, almost everything.


To fully understand our tale, we must first set our scene. It all started many moons ago when Prince Bowser of Koopa Kingdom was looking for a bride. Since the kingdom wasn't that rich, Bowser's parents were looking for a rich kingdom to make an alliance with. And that was Mushroom Kingdom. However, since the king and queen did not want anything to do with the Koopa Kingdom - let alone the 'monsters' that lived there - all seemed rather hopeless.

The word of the rejection got to Prince Bowser's ears as he was courting a lady koopa by the name of Bonita and was planning to marry her. While the rejection made it seem like Bowser wanted to marry Peach, he just did not like being called a monster. To make a very long story short, Prince Bowser attacked the kingdom and killed the king and queen. Prince Bowser was wanted for murder.

Almost immediately, Bowser's parents rejected him taking the throne, even though he had married Bonita. Prince Bowser once again lost his temper...this time killing his own parents. He vowed to prove them wrong. He vowed that he would get Koopa Kingdom back to its former glory. Thus he crowned himself and Bonita as king and queen. With the threat of war coming from Mushroom Kingdom, things were looking darker by the hour.

That was until Bowser and Bonita saw a shooting star - a red comet. The red comet landed in the gardens and as they went to investigate, it was proven to be a basket that was on fire...with a baby human boy inside. The boy had a rather fat nose and blue eyes with a small red hat on his head with a 'M' on it. Bowser and Bonita took the child in as their own. They gave him the name of Mario, calling him their Red Comet.

While a human living in Koopa Kingdom was strange enough, what was stranger was the boy was blessed with red fire powers. Bowser decided to train Mario as Bonita was expecting a baby. Bowser Jr. was born when Mario was only 6 years old. Since koopas and humans aged differently, Bowser decided to make Mario a fighter and Bowser Jr. the heir to the throne. Both Mario and Bowser Jr. were okay with that and were the best of friends and brothers.

Things were rather peaceful despite the bounty on Bowser's head and the threat of war coming. But it wasn't until Mario was 10 that things changed...and not for the better...


"Time for the best day ever! Time for the best day ever!" A very young Bowser Jr. chirped.

Bonita giggled at her youngest antics. Since the little guy was still like a baby in human years (but almost a kid in Koopa years), he was still very hyper. Bonita knew why. Today was the day that Mario was going to take Bowser Jr. into town. While it wasn't a big deal for most, it was going to be the presentation of the future king and bodyguard.

"Alright, honey," Bonita said calmly. "That's enough. Go see if your bother is awake."

"Okay mamma!" Bowser Jr. chirped as he ran towards Mario's room.

"Walk!" Bonita nagged almost instantly, knowing the little excited Koopa wouldn't listen.

She sighed as she was making breakfast. While they did have servants (and the staff was rather small at that), Bonita still loved to cook. Bowser Jr. finally got to his brother's room and knocked on the door, still hyper.

"Big brother!" Bowser Jr. called in an annoying voice. "Time to get up!"

Mario, who was already up, was making final adjustments to his costume. He figured if he was going to be presented as the Red Comet today, he needed to look the part. While his work wasn't the best, it was the thought that counted. Mario finished up his red-brown shirt as he put it on. It fit nicely as did the dark red pants. Mario then put on a red belt around his pants, looking at the light red mask and his infamous hat.

Mario had created a red hat just like his other one but put the white letters 'RC' on it. He put on the mask and the hat, grabbing the dark gray gloves for his hands. Mario was excited that he was dressing up in a costume for this role and he opened the door, seeing his baby brother.

"Hey baby bro!" Mario greeted.

Bowser Jr. looked at his big brother as he gushed, "Wow, is that your costume?"

"Yeah, what do you think?" Mario asked, with a hint of pride.

"You need a cape!" Bowser Jr. answered, with a big smile.

"But I am not a hero," Mario pointed out.

Though, he had to admit, a cape sounded pretty sweet.

"I know but you could be one, right?" Bowser Jr. asked, looking hyper still.

Mario was about to answer with a no but they were interrupted by Kammy Koopa.

"Hey you two, your Mom says breakfast is ready!" Kammy stated.

"Ooh yummy!" Bowser Jr. chirped, running for the dining hall.

Mario laughed as he followed his baby brother, feeling lighter than air. What he didn't know was that tragedy was about to strike...


"...Luigi? Time to wake!"

A ten year old groaned, getting up rather slowly. He hated mornings. He especially hated being woken up by Speckle, one of the many Toads in Toad Town. The little boy was rather messy from playing in the mud yesterday with the Yoshis and had dry mud on his usually clean green clothes as well as in his messy brown hair and his green cap with a 'L' on it. His sapphire eyes looked tired as he timidly looked at Speckle.

"Y - yes?" He asked, sounding like he was ready to cry.

"It's time for you to get a bath, my boy," Speckle told the child.

"Morning already?" Luigi asked, calming down a bit.

"Yes, it is," Speckle answered, taking his hat.

"Hey..." Luigi grumbled.

"You aren't getting it back until you wash up," Speckle instructed.

"Okay, I'm going," Luigi replied, getting to his feet.

"That's a good boy," Speckle responded, watching Luigi go.

10 years ago, Speckle and the Yoshis found Luigi all alone in the darkest ridges of Boo Woods. While he was burnt a little, he was seemed like an easily startled baby. A fearful nature that proved to be really scary when Luigi's green electricity powers were activated. While Luigi didn't want anything to do with his powers, he trained daily with the Yoshis and was super powerful. What he didn't know was that tragedy was about to strike...


Wishmaker1028: Hey guys! First let me say: HAPPY NEW YEAR! I'm back with a brand new Mario story! Everything you knew about the Mushroom Kingdom has been thrown out the window here. Let me know what you guys think so far! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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